• fashion queen 时尚女王

    14-09-02 Fashion queen is a person who knows how to dress to her strength and cleverly distracting from the weaknesses, who knows how to style clothes and knows what kind of dresses can make her look great. Therefore, fashion queen always looks fabulous. 时...

  • Parisian pass 巴黎式借过法

    14-09-02 Parisian pass is often performed in crowded bars. The passer touches a person to let them know he needs to get through but allows his hand to linger longer than necessary. The maneuver is often used as a subtle way to flirt. 巴黎式借过法经常出现在拥...

  • 罗宾·威廉姆斯经典语录

    14-08-15 Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all of its students. 时间是最好的老师,不幸的是,它杀了它所有的学生。 Comedy is acting out optimism. 喜剧就是将乐观演绎出来。 You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. 上...

  • 南非发生5.3级地震 一人死亡

    14-08-06 An earthquake has struck South Africa, killing one person and injuring some gold miners. 南非发生一场地震,造成一人死亡、一些金矿工人受伤。 The US Geological Survey said the 5.3 magnitude tremor was near Orkney, a centre of gold-mining operations. O...

  • Mirror,Mirror-What do I See

    14-07-31 A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. Mirrors have a very particular function. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a physical mirror serves as the vehicle t...

  • The Value of Time

    14-07-24 To Realize The Value of One Year, ask A Student Who Has Failed His Final Exam. To Realize The Value of One Month, ask A Mother Who Has Given Birth To A Premature Baby. To Realize The Value of One Week, ask An Editor of A Weekly Newspaper. To Realize...

  • Twelve Minute Cab Ride

    14-07-21 Penn Station, I told the cab driver. The young, heavy-set man peered at me through his sunglasses and motioned me to get in. I've got to get to JFK airport by 2:30PM. You think I'll be able to get there via LIRR (Long Island Rail Road ) or should I...

  • 偏激

    14-06-24 A person of the state of Lu looked very ugly. One day his father met Shang Duo who was noted fro being handsome on road. When he came back home, he said to his neighbor, Today I met Shang Duo, he is handsome, but compared with my son, he is not as h...

  • 公私分明

    14-06-10 Jie Hu's personal enemy thought that Jie Hu did not hate him any more after he had heard that Jie Hu had recommended himself. So he went to Jie Hu's mansion and was about to seek reconciliation with him. But out of his expectation, Jie Hu pulled the...

  • 测试异性关系的六个方法

    14-06-08 You're a smart, attractive person, so you wouldn't be surprised if one of your friends got the hots for you and then started acting all kinds of crazy. 你聪明,充满吸引力,所以如果你的一个朋友迷上了你,然后为你做出一系列疯狂的举动就不会令人奇怪了。...