• 《恋爱假期》四

    11-11-16 影片对白 Graham: I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children. Amanda: They're really great, Graham. Graham: Sophie's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector. She's brilliant, but I hate it when she worries about me. And Olivia...

  • 张飞赔罪

    11-10-12 At Cao Cao's instruction, Liu Bei was about to set off for a punitive(惩罚的) expedition against Yuan Shu. Before he left, Liu Bei worried about the defence of Xuzhou City. When Zhang Fei volunteered to take the task, Liu said, How can I feel assu...

  • being increased 被增长

    11-10-11 When an ordinarily active verb is deliberately twisted into passive form, it often implies the helplessness of the person in controlling his own fate. College graduates can be job hunted, ordinary people's opinions can also be represented. 如果一个...

  • OCUD 手机过度使用症

    11-09-28 OCUD (Obsessive Cellphone Use Disorder) describes a person who continually talks on their cellphone in public, while driving, checking out, or eating in a restaurant. OCUD(全称Obsessive Cellphone Use Disorder,手机过度使用症)指一个人一直在用手机打...

  • Bucket list 人生目标清单

    11-09-28 Bucket list refers to a list of activities and achievements that a person hopes to accomplish in his or her lifetime. This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket, meaning to die, which has been in the language since at least 1785. Bucket lis...

  • TV stoned 在电视机前“石化”

    11-09-28 The phrase TV stoned is used to describe a person who is completely deaf and blind to everything but his favorite show on television. TV stoned这个短语常用来形容某人完全专注于他喜欢的电视节目,对周围的一切视若无睹的状态。也就是我们常说的某人钻到电视...

  • Leisure quotient 玩商

    11-08-10 Leisure quotient (LQ)is an index used to describe the ability to relax and play, which psychologists say is important to contentment and future achievement. A high LQ usually means that the person has a good command on his life, knows how to explo...

  • 想洞悉对方想法 “社交X光”眼镜帮忙

    11-07-24 Going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us. But now a pair of social X-Ray glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking - and when you should stop talking. 对大多数人来说,赶赴约会都有可能变成噩梦一...

  • 医学家预测人类能活1000年

    11-07-10 If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born. And the first person to live for 1,000 years could be less than 20 years younger. 如果奥布里德格雷的预测是正确的话,第一个能...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 14

    11-07-07 DURING dinner, Mr. Bennet scarcely spoke at all; but when the servants were withdrawn, he thought it time to have some conversation with his guest, and therefore started a subject in which he expected him to shine, by observing that he seemed very f...