• toy boy 小白脸

    11-03-11 Toy boy has come along in the last 10 or 15 years. It's British slang, from the 1980s. It refers to an attractive young man being kept as a lover by another person, by an older person, thats the crucial thing: the older person is keeping the younger...

  • May-December romance 忘年恋

    11-03-11 May-December romance refers to a romantic pairing where one person is significantly older than the other. The age difference is at least a decade, but often more. The phrase comes from the younger person being in the spring of his or her life (i.e.,...

  • 赞美老师的电影台词

    11-03-08 I am a teacher! I am a teacher, first, last, always! The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) Jean Brodie (Maggie Smith) 我是一名教师!我是一名教师,这是我最初的选择,最终的归属,也是一生一世的责任。 《简布罗迪小姐的青春》玛姬史密斯扮演的简布罗迪 I will...

  • ROM brain 死脑筋

    11-01-19 脑子这个词在中文里用处不少,我们可以说一个人have brains有脑子,也就是说这个人有想法;我们也可以说一个人have not a brain in ones head没脑子,那就是说这个人想法太简单、太单纯。还有一类人我们可以说他们死脑子或死脑筋,意思是说这类人思想不灵活,不肯接受...

  • Respectable Boyfriend

    11-01-05 Mother to daughter: What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable(值得尊敬的) ? Of cause he is, Mom. He's thrifty(节约的,茂盛的) , doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children....

  • DNA可用来预测头发的颜色

    11-01-04 The hair color of an unknown perpetrator(犯罪者) who has committed a crime will soon no longer be a secret for forensic(法院的) investigators. Erasmus MC scientists, in collaboration with their Polish colleagues, have discovered that DNA can be...

  • leetspeak 脑残体

    11-01-04 火星文、脑残体一直以来都是颇受争议的话题。也不知是哪个有才的孩子首先创造了这样神奇的文字组合法,害的成年人看了个个摇头,同龄人用了个个拍手。不过,据说好像英文里也有这样的语言呢,他们叫 leetspeak ,看来这文化是越来越互通了哦。 This term nao can ti, m...

  • 怎么说“真人不露相”

    10-11-17 假如你去眼镜店配眼镜,你买了一副特别高级的水晶石镜片,却配了一个塑料镜框。当你戴上这副眼镜的时候,估计没几个人能看出来它们真正的价值所在。这就是我们今天要说的这个最新表达 good lenses, bad frames ,好镜片,赖镜框,真人不露相。 Good lenses, bad frames...

  • nearsighted date 近视相亲

    10-11-17 如果要说到网络对生活的重大影响,我认为人们社交方式的改变一定要算在其中。网络似乎把很多不可能变为了可能,相隔千里的两个人可以通过网络相识,然后成为好朋友,甚至发展成为恋人。由此,曾经的blind date已经有点过时了,现在的人们都原意先视频一下,然后来个 ne...

  • Who's better stisfied? 谁更满足?

    10-11-08 A person with six children or a person with $6 million, who is better satisfied? Why? The person with six children of course. Because the one with $6 million wants more. 一个有六个孩子的人和一个有600万美元的人,谁更满足?为什么? 当然是有六个孩子的...