• 上海野生动物园开通夜间动物园

    19-08-05 A Shanghai animal park will launch Chinas first night zoo this month, allowing visitors to see the activities of nocturnal animals at the zoo. 上海一家动物园将于本月开通国内首个夜间动物园,这将使游客观看到园内夜间动物的行为活动。 The Shanghai Wild A...

  • 青海开通一条景观高速

    19-06-13 Northwest Chinas Qinghai province Tuesday opened a scenic expressway . 本周二,青海省开通一条景观高速。 Running through the Beishan National Forest Park and the Cangjiaxia Provincial Forest Park, the 50-km Zhalonggou-Nianbozhen Highway is dubbed as...

  • 祁连山国家公园发现雪豹

    19-05-28 Several wild animals including snow leopards have recently been seen in Qilian Mountain National Park in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, according to the park administration. 青海祁连山国家公园管理处表示,最近在园区发现几种濒危动物,其中包括雪豹...

  • 北京开始打造亚洲最大再生水湿地公园

    19-05-08 Beijing has started to build Asias biggest reclaimed water wetland park in its southeastern part, Tuesdays Peoples Daily reported. 《人民日报》周二报道,北京已开始打造亚洲最大的再生水湿地公园。 The wetland park, with a total area of 638,000 square m...

  • 《反贪风暴4》大陆票房领先

    19-04-22 Hong Kong action thriller P Storm was the highest grossing film on the Chinese mainland this weekend. 截止上周末,香港惊悚动作片《反贪风暴4》成大陆最卖座电影。 The 4th installment of the Storm franchise grossed more than 31.3 million yuan (about 4.7...

  • 海南热带雨林国家公园征集logo

    19-04-22 Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, in south Chinas island province of Hainan, is seeking logo and slogan ideas from around the world. 海南热带雨林国家公园目前正在全球范围内征集标示和标语。 The park accounts for about one-third of the countrys...

  • 上海将建蓝精灵主题公园

    19-03-22 The first Smurfs-themed park in the Asia Pacific region will open in Shanghai later this year. 亚太地区第一个蓝精灵主题公园将于今年晚些时候在上海建成。 The Shimao Group and the International Merchandising Promotion Services S.A (IMPS), the copyright...

  • 北京玉渊潭公园用上5G技术

    19-03-19 Yuyuantan Park in western Beijing has become the latest test site for 5G technology, reports YNET.com. 北京玉渊潭公园成为5G技术的最新试验区。 5G services, provided by Huawei, have been activated at the park to test connection speeds and help park st...

  • 北京首钢废弃工厂将打造成城市地标

    19-02-15 The Beijing municipal government has published a plan to transform a vacated industrial site in its western suburb into a city landmark by 2035. 北京市政府公布一份计划,2035年前将西郊一处废弃工厂打造成一座城市地标。 The new area, on the basis of the...

  • 上海迪斯尼将开设《疯狂动物城》主题公园

    19-01-24 Shanghai Disneyland will add a Zootopia-themed land. 上海迪斯尼将增加一座《疯狂动物城》主题公园。 Shanghai Disney Resort says this will be the second major expansion of Shanghai Disneyland, since its opening in June 2016. Zootopia will be the eighth...