• 迪士尼乐园门票价格暴涨 大多数爱好者表示乐园已“失去魔力”

    22-09-20 在美国,迪士尼乐园一直被视为全家人度假的好去处,正因如此,多年来迪士尼乐园一直热度不减。然而,票价的飞速上涨让许多美国家庭大呼负担不起,并表示迪士尼乐园已经失去魔力。 A majority of self-described Disney World enthusiasts say the Florida theme park h...

  • 吉卜力公园将于11月1日正式开放

    22-08-16 吉卜力的动画电影总是能让人深深着迷,甚至想走进这个梦幻世界中。机会来啦!以吉卜力动画为主题的吉卜力公园将于11月1日正式开放,你不但可以看到《龙猫》中两姐妹居住的房屋,还能看到小人阿莉埃蒂的奇妙世界,是不是很期待? Fans of My Neighbor Totoro, Kikis Del...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 64

    22-07-22 But about three in the morning Philip awoke and could not sleep again. He began to think of Mildred. He tried not to, but could not help himself. He repeated to himself the same thing time after time till his brain reeled. It was inevitable that she...