• 中国首只人工喂养雪豹对外征集名字

    17-06-11 The Tibetan Plateau Wildlife Park has asked the public to name Chinas first artificially bred snow leopard to mark the first birthday of the cub. 为庆祝中国首只人工喂养雪豹幼仔的一岁生日,青藏高原野生动物公园正为它对外征集名字。 The existence of the...

  • 南京将开梅西主题公园

    17-06-08 A theme park dedicated to Barcelona soccer great Lionel Messi is going to be opened in Nanjing, east Chinas Jiangsu Province, reports jiemian.com. 界面新闻报道,巴塞罗那足球明星莱昂内尔梅西主题公园将在江苏南京向公众开放。 The park, which is set to o...

  • 英国建筑院中标天津生态城市公园

    17-05-09 British architect Grant Associates has won a worldwide competition to create a new city park for Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (TJEC) in Northern China. 中-新天津生态城城市公园全球招标,英国建筑院Grant Associates中标。 According to the designers,...

  • 上海世博会场地将成城市公园

    17-04-24 The site of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai is to be turned into the citys biggest urban park according to the local authorities, reported by Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,2010年上海世博会举办场地将被变成该市最大的城市公园。 Stretching for two squ...

  • 亚洲首座VR游乐园在成都开放

    16-08-18 An amusement park that employs virtual reality, which is still a largely niche technology, has recently opened to visitors in Chengdu, capital city of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 一座采用虚拟现实技术(现在主要仍是一种小生境技术)的游乐园在中...

  • 上海迪士尼乐园本周四正式开业

    16-06-16 The Shanghai Disney Resort, with a unique blend of Disney magic and Chinese culture, officially opened Thursday. 融合了迪士尼魔法世界与中国文化于一体的上海迪士尼乐园本周四正式开业。 Among the first group of visitors, Shanghai resident Wan Wenqiang v...

  • 大熊猫好好在比利时产下一只小熊猫

    16-06-03 Chinese giant panda Hao Hao gave birth to a baby panda in the early hours of Thursday, Belgian animal park Pairi Daiza and the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda announced. 比利时天堂动物园与中国大熊猫保护和研究中心联合宣布,...

  • 习近平会见迪斯尼总裁罗伯特·艾格

    16-05-06 Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with Disney chief Robert Iger in Beijing. 中国国家主席习近平在北京会见了迪斯尼总裁罗伯特艾格。 As part of the meeting, Xi Jinping has pledged to provide more help to foreign companies, such as Disney, which are d...

  • Kiss in the Park 公园里的接吻

    16-04-22 A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench, passionately kissing Why dont you do that? said the wife. Honey, replied her husband, I dont even know that woman! 公园里漫步的一对夫妇注意到一位男士和一位女士正坐在长凳...

  • 上海或将建一座杰克逊主题公园

    16-04-20 Jermaine Jackson, brother of the late Michael Jackson, has arrived in Shanghai reportedly to discuss the creation of a Neverland style Jackson theme park there. 据报道,杰梅因杰克逊,已故巨星迈克尔杰克逊的兄弟,抵达上海商讨在此建立一座梦幻岛式的杰克...