• 上海将建沿海国家公园

    19-01-07 Shanghai will build a big country park as part of its vigorous efforts to improve the environment. 上海将建造一座大型国家公园以改善环境。 The Heqing Country Park in the Pudong New Area is expected to cover an area of 35.7 square kilometers. The firs...

  • 海南首批大熊猫向公众亮相

    18-11-26 Two male giant pandas met with the public for the first time in Haikou, capital of Chinas southernmost province of Hainan Sunday. 两只雄性大熊猫周日首次在海南海口向公众亮相。 The two panda brothers, named Gong Gong and Shun Shun, both 5 years old, a...

  • 报告:2020年中国将成世界最大主题公园市场

    18-11-19 China is slated to become worlds largest theme park market by 2020, when the number of tourists is expected to exceed 230 million, according to a fresh report by U.S. engineering firm AECOM. 美国艾奕康工程公司的最新报告显示,2020年中国将成为世界最大...

  • 习近平参观英德电子商务产业园

    18-10-24 Chinese President Xi Jinping visited an e-commerce industrial park in Yingde, south Chinas Guangdong Province on Tuesday to better understand how the sector helps targeted poverty alleviation work. 本周二,中国国家主席习近平参观了广东英德电子商务产...

  • 瓦屋山国家森林公园重新向公众开放

    18-08-09 Chinas largest national forest park has reopened to the public after being closed for the last six years, thepaper.cn reported on Wednesday. 中国最大的国家森林公园关闭六年之后重新向公众开放。 The Wawu Shan National Forest Park in Meishan, 180 kilome...

  • 重庆云阳将建侏罗纪恐龙主题公园

    18-05-14 Yunyang, a county situated in the northeast of Chongqing municipality, has recently pledged to build a Jurassic dinosaur theme park to exhibit its range of dinosaur fossil discoveries. 位于重庆市东北的云阳县计划建造一座侏罗纪恐龙主题公园,以展示其发...

  • 尼泊尔将送中国两对犀牛

    18-04-30 The Nepali government is preparing two pairs of rhinos to give to China as gifts, authorities confirmed on Saturday. 尼泊尔政府准备送中国两对犀牛作为礼物。 A team of around 50 people including officials from national park, technical experts, veterin...

  • 北京将建造人工智能科技园

    18-01-03 A technology park dedicated to developing artificial intelligence will be built in Beijing in five years, authorities said. 未来五年,北京将建造一座专注人工智能的科技园。 The park will be situated in suburban Mentougou district in western Beijing, c...

  • 海昏侯墓将打造成国家级考古遗迹公园

    17-12-04 Chinese authorities have approved a plan to turn the tomb of the Marquis of Haihun into a national-level archeological relics park. 中国政府计划将海昏侯墓打造成一个国家级考古遗迹公园。 The tomb, dating back to Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 25 A.D.)...

  • 巴黎近日开放裸体主义公园

    17-09-08 Parisian nudists will finally have a spot to take it all off for the next few weeks at least - at a secluded zone in the Bois de Vincennes park east of the city. 巴黎的裸体主义者们终于能有个地方痛痛快快地脱衣服了,未来几周里城东的宛赛纳森林公园会划...