• 上海迪士尼公布园内景致图

    16-03-13 Shanghai Disneyland celebrated 100 days to go until opening day by releasing the first images of inside the much anticipated theme park on March 8. 3月8号,为庆祝开张倒计时100天,备受期待的上海迪士尼乐园第一次发布了园内景致的组图。 The resort is set...

  • 里约奥运场馆完工97%

    16-01-27 Construction work at Rio de Janeiro's Barra Olympic Park, the main venue cluster for this year's Olympic Games, has hit 97% completion, organizers said on Tuesday. 里约热内卢巴拉奥林匹克公园的建造工作已完成总进度的97%。 The complex, which will will...

  • Lead us not into temptation

    15-11-24 A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: I have circled the block 10 times. If I don't park here, I'l...

  • 《饥饿游戏》主题公园将于2019年前在亚特兰大开业

    15-11-06 Hunger Games fans may get to find out for themselves if the odds are forever in their favor. 《饥饿游戏》的粉丝将有机会亲自试试看好运是否会永远眷顾自己。 A 100-acre theme park dedicated to the blockbuster movie franchise starring Jennifer Lawrence a...

  • micropark 微型公园

    15-10-29 A micropark refers to a small, usually temporary, public park set up in a street parking spot. 微型公园是指在街上的停车位上建起的小小的,通常是临时的公园。 从词根上看,micro是指微小的,park是公园,所以不难理解micropark是微型公园的意思。 For Example:...

  • Disney Blue 迪士尼蓝

    15-10-14 Media reports have revealed Shanghai Municipal Government's plans to move or close down 153 factories to ensure Disney Blue around the area of Shanghai Disneyland resort and theme park. 据媒体报道,上海市政府计划搬迁或关闭上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼主题...

  • 参加中国抗战70周年庆 朴槿惠支持率超50%

    15-09-07 South Korean President Park Geun-hye 's approval rating topped 50 percent for the first time in about 10 months after participating in the celebrations in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of China's victory over Japan in World War II. 韩国总统朴...

  • 澳动物园为袋熊寻找真爱

    15-08-31 The world's oldest wombat in captivity is looking for love and has joined Tinder to find it, caretakers at his Australia wildlife park home said. 澳大利亚一家野生动物园圈养着世界上最年长的袋熊,据它的饲养员介绍,这只袋熊已经加入了交友软件Tinder,渴...

  • 国外机场划分女性车位引争议

    15-08-03 Frankfurt airport has caused controversy after it painted a section of its car park pink and designated it entirely for the use of women. 法兰克福机场近日将部分停车区涂成粉色并将其指定为女士专用,这一举动引发了广泛争议。 Worse still for people striv...

  • 佳佳有望成为世界上最长寿的大熊猫

    15-07-14 Jia Jia the giant panda will hopefully break a world record soon, becoming the longest living panda. 大熊猫佳佳不久将有望打破世界纪录,成为世界上最长寿的大熊猫。 Jia Jia, now living in Hong Kong Ocean Park, will celebrate her 37th birthday later thi...