• 三星堆博物馆新馆在四川广汉开工

    22-04-02 29日,三星堆博物馆新馆建设项目在四川广汉市开工,新馆将再现三星伴月景观。 The construction of a new building of the renowned Sanxingdui museum began on Tuesday in the city of Guanghan, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 3月29日,三星堆博物馆新馆建设...

  • 中国科学家发现8个大型真菌新物种

    22-03-28 中国科学家在海南热带雨林国家公园发现了8个大型真菌新物种。 Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have discovered eight new macrofungi species in south Chinas island province of Hainan. 中国热带农业科学院的研究团队在海...

  • 外国人怎么使用cute

    22-02-23 同性之间说cute cute的意思可以是萝莉,正太,鲜肉,女生机灵,聪慧,娇小,惹人爱,男生超级帅,很好看。 I met a cute guy in the park. 我刚才在公园遇到一个超级帅的男生。 There is one girl in 101 group thats super cute. 在创造101里,有个小姐姐特别可爱。...

  • beside和besides

    22-02-23 虽然beside和besides在拼写上只差一个字母s,但它们的意思和用法却完全不同。它们的不同点具体是什么? 用法总结 1 Beside是介词,表物理方位在旁边,相当于更正式一点的next to。 Put the chair beside the table. Come and sit beside me. The cinema is beside the...

  • lie, situated, located, be

    22-01-22 Lie somewhere、situated somewhere、located somewhere 和 be somewhere都可以用来引出位置,意思是 位于。我们下面就来介绍它们各自的用法。 先说 lie somewhere。我们用 something lies somewhere 来谈论地点、位置,意思是 坐落于。注意,lie 是动词,所以会根据句...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 13

    21-10-23 1. ___ is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland. A Finn Gael B The Progressive Democrats C Finna Fail D The Irish Labor Party 2.The largest state of all the states of America is___. A Texas B Alaska C California D Hawaii 3.___ had the title the W...

  • be going to, doing, be about to, mean to

    21-10-14 先来看看 be going to 的结构。在谈论未来的安排时,be going to 往往强调主观上打算或决定要做某事,但做这件事情的具体时间或地点等细节可能还不确定,来听两个例句。 Examples Im going to have lunch in the park today. (我今天打算在公园里吃午饭。) We are go...

  • 北京环球度假区9月1日正式开启试运行

    21-08-26 随着为期三个月的内部压力测试工作临近尾声,北京环球度假区宣布将于9月1日正式开启试运行。 Universal Beijing Resort will be open to invited guests only during the trial operation, including selected resort partners and a limited number of winners in off...

  • 藏羚羊降级为“近危”物种

    21-08-11 国家林草局最新发布,近年来随着我国生态保护和打击盗猎力度的加强,我国藏羚羊数量不断增加。 The number of Tibetan antelopes in China has quadrupled in the past decades, reaching about 300,000 from fewer than 70,000 in the 1980s and 1990s, according to...

  • no-brainer 不费脑筋的事

    21-07-20 在英语里,我们可以用 no-brainer 来形容生活中极其简单的事情。这个说法还可以用来强调、说明一个决定很容易做出,根本不需要伤脑筋去想。这是一个非正式表达,一般以单数形式出现:a no-brainer。 例句 When George had to choose between either sitting at home al...