13-08-11 The Duke of Cambridge took a brief break from parental duties following the birth of his son, Prince George, as he played in a charity polo match. 初为人父的英国威廉王子忙里偷闲,3日与弟弟哈里王子一同参加了一场皇家慈善马球赛,并在球赛结束后聊起自己...
12-11-15 Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo(柔道) despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. The boy began lesso...
12-04-19 The funeral of Italian footballer Piermario Morosini is to be held in his hometown of Bergamo. 意大利球星马里奥莫罗西尼的葬礼将在他的故乡贝加莫举办。 Piermario died in the 31st minute of Livorno\s Serie B game at Pescara. The 25-year-old Livorno pla...
11-09-09 New Zealand is preparing to open the Rugby World Cup, described by Prime Minister John Key as the biggest event his country has staged. 新西兰正准备举办橄榄球世界杯,总理约翰基称这是新西兰举办的最大的一场赛事。 Thousands of rugby fans have gathered...
11-08-01 精彩对白 Clark: Mr. Holmes? Holmes: Clarkie. Clark: Sir, Inspector Lestrade asks that you come with me at once. Holmes: What's he done now, lost his way to Scotland Yard? Watson, grab a compass. You means us. Watson: No, you means you. Clark: It's L...
11-06-19 The top professional football league in South Korea has imposed lifetime bans on 10 players accused of match fixing. 韩国顶级专业足球联盟对10名非法操纵比赛的球员实行终生禁赛。 One of them is said to have accepted 120m won ($110,000; 67,000) to lose...
11-04-01 The Ministry of Public Security launched a nationwide crackdown on football gambling and match-fixing in November. A number of former players, soccer officials and club officials have been detained. 去年11月,公安部在全国范围内展开了一场打击赌球和非...
11-01-29 继前一天头号种子纳达尔止步澳网男单八强后,卫冕冠军费德勒27日以6:7(3)、5:7和4:6不敌塞尔维亚名将焦科维奇,无缘男单决赛。 Roger Federer of Switzerland wipes his face during his semi-final match against Novak Djokovic of Serbia at the Australian Op...
10-09-15 Fifa, the governing body of world football, is investigating allegations that a fake Togo team played a match against Bahrain earlier this month. 国际足联世界足球主管部门正在对本月一支假冒多哥球队与巴林队进行的一场比赛的指控进行调查。 Bahrain won th...
10-07-30 The chief executive of the Zimbabwe Football Association has been suspended over match-fixing allegations. 津巴布韦足球联盟行政主管因涉嫌内定比赛结果被停职。 Rushwaya has been suspended on allegations of match fixing Henrietta Rushwaya is being inve...