• 多数父母未意识到孩子工作场所存在的危险

    11-06-28 Most parents are unaware of the risks their teenagers face in the workplace and could do more to help them understand and prepare for those hazards, according to a new study. Previous findings have shown that about 80 percent of teens are employed d...

  • 2/3英国人放弃买房

    11-06-04 Two in three people have given up their dream of owning a home, research shows. 调查显示,三分之二的英国人已经放弃买房梦想。 High prices, a shortage of homes and a mortgage(抵押) drought are being blamed for driving a change in expectations. The c...

  • 离婚家庭的孩子数学、社交能力较差

    11-06-03 Children whose parents get divorced generally don't experience detrimental(有害的,不利的) setbacks in the pre-divorce period, but often fall behind their peersand don't catch upwhen it comes to math and interpersonal social skills after their par...

  • 美国:学生逃学,家长受罚

    11-04-29 美国海港城市巴尔的摩为应对学生逃学问题,近几年一直实施学生逃学,家长受罚的政策。学生一年逃课15天以上,家长就会被逃学管理办公室提起指控;一旦证实家长知晓学生逃课事实,便有可能被判入狱数天。 About a dozen parents have been sentenced for their children...

  • Baby-pooling “拼养”小孩

    11-04-19 Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. Thats the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, n...

  • 有两个女儿的家庭最幸福

    11-04-09 Broody couples might want to throw away any dreams of a boy for him and a girl for her. 打算生小孩的夫妇也许要舍弃一男一女两个小孩的梦想了。 The secret of domestic bliss(极乐) is having two daughters, according to a study. In a finding that will s...

  • 更多的孩子会使年长的父母更高兴

    11-03-08 Children may be a long-term investment in happiness, says MPIDR demographer Mikko Myrskyl. Together with Rachel Margolis from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, he published the new study in the latest issue of the journal Populati...

  • What my daddy does

    11-01-12 A grade school teacher was asking students what their parents did for a living. Timmy stood up and said, My mom is a Doctor! Sarah stood up and said, My father is a Professor! Little Johnny stood up and said, My dad is a piano player in a whorehouse...

  • 父母对孩子的饮食习惯影响有限

    10-12-09 As primary caregivers, parents are often believed to have a strong influence on children's eating behaviors. However, previous findings on parent-child resemblance(相似) in dietary intakes are mixed. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sc...

  • 漂亮的女人更容易生女孩

    10-12-05 Single girls have always grumbled that good-looking men are difficult to find. 单身女孩总是抱怨英俊的男人很难找。 But science may have just proved them right because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts,...