• 带孩子购物对脑部发育有利

    14-04-20 虽然说小孩子们经常会在商店里乱跑让家长一阵头疼,但一项研究却认为带孩子购物对幼儿脑部发育有利。因为该研究认为孩子同家长在购物时的互动有利于培养幼儿们的社交能力并使他们获得更多的快乐。 Children may sulk(生气,愠怒) and play up when being dragged rou...

  • 亲子关系影响孩子的教育学习

    14-03-31 The emotional bond a child secures with its parents has a greater impact on its education than previously thought, a report suggests. 萨顿信托基金会的一份报告指出,良好的亲子关系对孩子日后的教育学习影响重大,远超以往预期。 The Sutton Trust study say...

  • 婴儿阅读产品不能提高阅读能力

    14-03-07 纽约大学的一项新研究表明,教婴儿阅读的光盘、闪卡(抽认卡)和书等产品不能帮助提高婴儿的阅读能力。 Despite all the DVDs, flashcards, and books designed to teach babies to read, these products do not help infants develop reading skills, according to a...

  • 四成父母跟孩子学习使用科技产品

    14-01-28 Just how are adults learning to use technology? Chances are if you are a parent, your child is teaching you. A recent paper published in the Journal of Communication found that between 30%-40% of parents were taught how to use the computer and Inter...

  • hotel parents 宾馆父母

    13-12-10 Parents who continue to cook for children who have grown up or left home have been blamed for fuelling Britain's food waste crisis. 孩子成年或离家后,父母在做饭时仍然做孩子的那份儿,这一行为被指是引发英国食物浪费危机的原因。 Dubbed ' hotel parents '...

  • 环境对动物的影响能遗传给后代

    13-11-19 University of Utah biologists found that when mother mice compete socially for mates in a promiscuous(杂乱的) environment, their sons play hard(行为卑鄙) and die young: They attract more females by making more urinary pheromones(信息素) , but...

  • vulgarity gap 粗俗代沟

    13-11-12 Vulgarity gap is a disparity in the tolerance for vulgarity between generations or communities. 粗俗代沟(vulgarity gap)指两代人或两个不同的群体对于粗俗行为的不同包容度。 It has become a clich to posit that millennials/Generation Y have an ease wit...

  • 某些儿童的不良行为可能源于遗传

    13-11-11 Many parents worry their child's bad behaviour is a result of their parenting mistakes, but new research suggests this may not be the case. 许多家长担心孩子出现不良行为是自己教育不当的结果,但是新的研究表明,事实并非如此。 A study found that some ch...

  • 第一个孩子更聪明原因可能在于父母

    13-11-08 Those born earlier perform better in schooland according to a new study, it's because of the parents. 根据一个新调查显示家庭中更早出生的孩子一般会比他们的弟弟妹妹在学校里表现得好,并且原因有可能就在于他们的父母。 Moms and dads simply go easy on thei...

  • 《恋恋笔记本》四

    13-10-17 精彩对白 Noah: Hammond? As in Hammond Cotton? Allie: As in Hammond Cotton. Noah: Well, your parents must love him. Allie: He's a really good man, Noah. You'd really like him. Noah: You love him? Allie: Yeah, I do. I love him very much. Noah: Well, t...