• 美国年轻成人与父母同住数量创80年新高

    20-09-08 The number of young adults living with their parents hit an eight-decade high in July, as the pandemics disruption of jobs hit young generations particularly hard. 与父母同住的美国年轻成人数量在七月份达到了八十年来的最高峰,因为疫情对年轻一代的就业...

  • 中国九成年轻人担心退休养老问题

    19-03-18 A recent survey published by China Youth Daily showed 89.3 percent of the 1,876 polled young Chinese expressed concerns over old-age care issues. 《中国青年报》近期发布的一项调查显示,接受调查的1876位年轻人有89.3%为养老问题担心。 Young people born b...

  • granny nanny 奶奶保姆

    17-09-14 Granny nanny is a grandmother who cares for her grandchildren while their parents are working. 奶奶保姆指的是在儿女上班时,承担起照顾孙子孙女工作的祖母或外祖母。 Families squeezed by falling real incomes and rising childcare costs are increasingly r...

  • 腾讯限定《王者荣耀》的游戏时间

    17-07-05 Chinese tech giant Tencent is implementing strict new rules on its widely-popular online game King of Glory in response to concerns from parents. 面对家长们的担忧,腾讯将对其广受欢迎的在线游戏《王者荣耀》执行严格的限制。 Under the new restrictions,...

  • 英国半数夫妻因对方父母吵架

    17-06-18 More than half of married British people blame their in-laws for relationship rows and around one in five would divorce them if they could, a study has found. 超过半数的英国已婚人士责怪伴侣的父母导致夫妻争吵,大约五分之一的人表示,如果可能的话愿意离...

  • parasite singles 单身寄生族

    17-06-03 Millions of middle-aged singles in Japan still live with their elderly parents and depend on them financially, research has revealed, contributing to the countys falling birth rate and ageing population. 调查显示,日本有数百万中年单身族依然与年迈的...

  • parachute kids 小留学生

    17-05-26 Parachute kids are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver while their parents remain in their home country, also called parachute children. 降落伞儿童(小留学生)指那些被送到另一个国家独自生活,或者有人照顾起居的孩子,而他...

  • 父母过度使用手机会打扰到家庭生活

    17-05-06 An overuse of mobile phones by parents disrupts family life, according to a survey of secondary pupils. 一项面向中学生的调查显示,父母过度使用手机会打扰到家庭生活。 More than a third of 2,000 11 to 18-year-olds who responded to a poll said they had...

  • kangaroo generation 袋鼠族

    17-04-20 Kangaroo generation is known because its members still live with their parents. So, why young adults still living with their parents? Comfort? Convenience? 袋鼠族为人熟知是因为他们仍与父母同...

  • Rejuvenile 返青春

    17-03-31 Rejuvenile is an adult who enjoys activities and items normally associated with children. 返青春一族指的是喜欢玩儿孩子的游戏和物品的成年人。 According to Noxon, 36, rejuveniles are people who have tastes or mind-sets that are traditionally associate...