• cellfie 细胞拍

    17-03-29 It is the latest trend in baby pictures - an image on the day of conception. 受孕一刻成为宝宝照片的新趋势。 So called cellfies roll back the clock as far as it is possible - the point when you were little more than a twinkle in your mothers eye. 这...

  • 英国某小学警告家长要面带微笑迎接孩子

    17-03-15 A primary school has put up signs to warn phone-obsessed parents to greet their children with a smile at the end of the day rather than staring at their screens. 英国一所小学树立了告示牌,警告手机控家长们晚上接孩子放学时要面带微笑迎接自己的孩子,而...

  • 英国老师将佩戴摄像头上课

    17-02-19 Teachers in UK schools are trialling the use of body cameras in class to record bad pupils behaviour, it has been revealed. 英国学校的教师们正在尝试在课堂上使用随身摄像头,记录表现差的孩子们的行为。 At least two schools in England have introduced th...

  • 英国某小学根据教育参与情况给家长打分

    16-12-24 Parents of pupils at Greasley Beauvale primary school, in Newthorpe, Notts, are marked from A to D based on their involvement with their childrens education. Greasley Beauvale小学位于英国诺丁汉郡的纽索普,该小学根据家长对孩子教育的参与情况,将他们划...

  • arsenic hour 砒霜时间

    16-12-11 Arsenic hour is the time after parents arrive home from work and before dinner is served; any extremely hectic part of the day, especially when dealing with young children. 砒霜时间指的是父母下班后,晚饭开饭前的这段时间,或者是一天中非常忙碌的时段,...

  • 西班牙父母进行周末作业罢工

    16-11-23 Parents in Spain are being urged to go on a weekend homework strike this month in protest against the unacceptable amount of after-school tasks their children are given. 西班牙的父母们受到鼓舞,准备于本月进行周末作业罢工,以此抗议学校给孩子布置的课...

  • kippers 奇葩族

    16-06-23 The combination of high property prices and laziness has left many parents with the surprise -- one that is not always welcome -- of finding their thirtysomething children are not in a rush to leave. 高企的房价和惰性使得很多父母面临一个不太乐观的境...

  • doomerangers 离婚返巢族

    16-06-23 As much as we love our parents, its probably fair to say most of us would prefer not to move back in once weve left home. 尽管我们都很爱自己的父母,但公平地讲,大多数人在离开家后都不会再搬回去和父母同...

  • pester power 儿童消费力

    16-05-26 Pester power is a childs ability to affect their parents marketing decisions, often through the use of nagging, or pestering. 儿童消费力指的是儿童影响其父母消费决策的能力,通常通过唠叨和纠缠不休达到让父母购物的目的。 The phrase is used to describe t...

  • 小时候听过的各种善意谎言

    16-01-23 Traumatised Reddit users have revealed the little white lies they were told as children - and many believed until adulthood. 网友们在红迪网上晒出了小时候听过的各种善意的谎言,表示很受伤有些人甚至直到成年后才发现那些话是假的。 From being told they're...