• 谈论数字将影响学前儿童的数学学习

    10-11-10 The amount of time parents spend talking about numbers has a much bigger impact on how young children learn mathematics than was previously known, researchers at the University of Chicago have found. For example, children whose parents talked more a...

  • 幼童也爱玩iPhone

    10-11-06 Just as adults have a hard time putting down their iPhones, so the device is now the Toy of Choice for many 1-, 2- and 3-year-olds. Its a phenomenon that is attracting the attention of some childhood development specialists. 就像成年人很难做到不玩iP...

  • 七彩神仙鱼像哺乳动物般养育幼鱼

    10-10-31 Few fish are famed for their parenting skills. Most species leave their freshly hatched fry(鱼苗) to fend for themselves, but not discus fish(七彩神仙鱼) . Jonathan Buckley from the University of Plymouth, UK, explains that discus fish young fee...

  • 英国高龄产妇比例上升

    10-10-25 One in five babies are now born to women over 35 as would-be parents feel pressure of high mortgages and debt. 由于父母迫于高额房贷和债务的压力,英国有五分之一的宝宝出生时,妈妈的年龄都超过了35岁。 One in five mothers is approaching middle age by th...

  • 美大学举办“父母告别仪式”助新生自立

    10-08-28 为了让新生尽快开始独立生活,美国一所大学特意为他们举办了一个正式的父母告别仪式,仪式结束后,学生踏入校园,父母则被留在门外。虽然这样的告别仪式在美国高校里面还不是很普遍,不过越来越多的高校开始采用类似的方式让新生家长离开校园。 In order to separate d...

  • 英国父母过度担心孩子安全问题

    10-05-08 Fearful parents are saying no to sleep-overs, banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks at the local park, according to a new British study. 英国一项最新调查表明,英国父母因担心孩...

  • 蚊虫叮咬感染的疾病可能感染到胎儿

    10-05-04 A North Carolina State University researcher has discovered that bacteria transmitted by fleasand potentially tickscan be passed to human babies by the mother, causing chronic infections(慢性感染) and raising the possibility of bacterially induced...

  • 完美圣诞礼物能用公式算出来!

    09-12-05 圣诞节即将到来,很多父母都开始为给孩子挑选一份完美的圣诞礼物而发愁。英国心理学家克利夫阿诺尔最近创制了一个完美玩具计算公式,通过量化玩具价值,帮助家长找到完美玩具。阿诺尔把玩具对孩子的作用归纳为玩乐价值,计算公式为:玩乐价值=T x L + Pi + Po + Cr +...

  • Parents 'doubt cot death risks' 调查:父母亲“怀疑童床猝死症

    09-10-14 Half of cot deaths are linked to bed-sharing but many parents are sceptical about the risk, studies have concluded. 通过研究得出结论,一半的摇篮病与跟父母同床有关,但是很多父母对此表示怀疑。 A quarter of 500 mothers polled by the UK's Foundation for...

  • U.S. teens get sex education, but not from parents 美国青少

    09-07-29 U.S. teens are getting sex education, but most are not learning about birth control from their parents, new government data showed on Thursday. And rates of infection with sexually transmitted diseases reflect this -- the annual rate of AIDS diagnos...