• 中国在线流媒体用户超6亿

    18-11-29 The number of online streaming service users in China had reached 609 million as of June this year, according to an industry report released Wednesday. 到今年六月为止,中国的在线流媒体服务用户数量已经达到6.09亿。 Chinas online video market is estima...

  • 中国将对在线彩票销售加大打击力度

    18-08-22 Chinas Finance Ministry says the country will step up its crackdown on companies or individuals involved in illegal online lotteries. 中国财政部表示,国家将会对涉及非法在线彩票的公司或个人逐渐加大打击力度。 The ministry says it has not approved inte...

  • 英国开始推行网上离婚系统

    18-05-13 Breaking up is never easy, as Abba sang, but the Ministry of Justice is so pleased with its online divorce pilot that it has launched the scheme nationwide this month. 就像阿巴乐队唱的那样,分手从来都不是件容易的事,但英国司法部对试运行的网上离婚系...

  • 网络保险产品引专家担忧

    18-05-07 The boom in niche insurance products available for purchase online in China has some industry experts worried, reports Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,国内网上可购买的利基保险产品市场的繁荣引起业内专家的担忧。 Adventurous eaters can buy a policy for...

  • 2018第一季中国在线销售额增长34%

    18-04-22 Chinas online retail sales maintained high-speed growth in the first quarter, official data has showed. 官方数据显示,2018第一季度中国在线销售额继续保持高速增长。 Online retail sales totalled 1.5 trillion yuan (238.5 billion U.S. dollars) in the fir...

  • 众安保险2017年净亏损9.96亿

    18-03-22 Chinas first online insurer Zhongan Online PC Insurance reported a net loss of 996 million yuan (157 million U.S. dollars) in 2017, against a gain of 9.37 million yuan in 2016, according to its annual report released on Tuesday. 中国首家网络保险公司...

  • 中国首家集成电路与微系统共享平台发布

    18-01-29 Chinas first online sharing platform for integrated circuits and microsystems has been launched by a state-owned enterprise. 中国首家集成电路与微系统在线共享平台由一家国企发布。 The platform, initiated by China Electronics Technology Group Corporati...

  • 中国网络教育市场蓬勃发展

    17-11-23 In 2016 revenue from online education reached 156.02 billion yuan in China, a growth of 27.3%. This is according to data by iResearch. 艾瑞咨询公布的数据显示,2016年中国网络教育收入达到1560.2亿元人民币,增幅27.3%。 The research projects that with th...

  • 故宫博物馆门票将只能网络购买

    17-10-11 The Palace Museum in Beijing announced on Tuesday that it has begun to sell entry tickets solely through its online booking system. 北京故宫博物馆周二宣布,今后仅可在其在线订票系统购买门票。 The move is designed to avoid crowds at the box office, re...

  • 京东向Farfetch投资4亿美元

    17-06-27 Chinas online mega-store, JD.com, has invested $400m in Farfetch. 中国在线百货商城京东商城向Farfetch投资4亿美元。 Farfetch is a luxury online store, based in London. It is understood that the deal will give the British firm access to JD.coms infrast...