• 多所高校调整开学安排

    21-02-19 春节假期结束后,大学生将陆续从全国各地返校,如何做好疫情防控工作? The Ministry of Education has asked universities to stagger their spring semester opening dates and make preparations for online schooling. 教育部要求高校错峰安排春季学期开学时间,同...

  • 网上购物热潮继续增温

    21-02-09 自1994年以来,网上购物已经慢慢地侵蚀了传统的高街零售体验。现在,许多人更愿意在网上购物。但这是为什么呢?为什么时至今日,网上购物门庭若市,熙来攘往,而传统商店却无人问津? The first thing sold online was a CD. It sold in 1994 for $12.48. In 1995, Ama...

  • 订餐平台“年夜饭”搜索量同比上涨4倍

    21-01-25 因近期新冠疫情多地散发,全国各地都号召就地过年。年夜饭怎么吃,就成了很多人关心的问题。 The number of searches for New Years Eve meal on an online food-ordering platform this year is four times higher than that of the same period last year. 在线订餐...

  • 广电总局发布《关于加强网络秀场直播和电商直播管理的通知》

    20-11-29 Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified, based on their content, as music, dance, singing, fitness or games, among other categories, according to the circular. 通知明确,网络秀场直播平台要对节目内容和对应主播实行标签分类管理,按音...

  • 新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会

    20-11-17 专家们称,随着人们逐渐向数字支付过渡,新冠肺炎疫情将加速推进现金使用的衰落。英国的封锁政策已导致使用自动取款机取款的次数下降了 60% ,尽管人们提款的总额有所增加。 The dramatic drop in cash withdrawals is the obvious result of more people having to do...

  • What's trending?

    20-10-13 词语trending指的是一种流行方式。如果一个词语或者题目是trending,那证明它是被应用到社交媒体上的。 Pictures of cute cats are trending online right now! 现在网上流行可爱的猫咪的图片。 News of his engagement is trending on Facebook. 关于他订婚的新闻最近...

  • 你是 “分享控” 吗?

    20-10-11 Its good to share, right? Growing up as kids we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much? With new crazes trending all the time, such as d...

  • 研究:网友再多也无法替代现实密友

    19-11-25 Having hundreds of friends on Facebook is no substitute for a handful of close friends in real life, a study has found. 一项研究发现,在脸书上拥有数百个好友并不能替代现实生活中的几个密友。 Researchers discovered that people with only a few friends w...

  • 中国加强对在线课外培训的监管

    19-07-16 Chinas regulation and supervision of extracurricular after-school training has expanded to online training programs. 中国对课外培训的规范和监督已扩展到网上培训。 The Ministry of Education (MOE), together with five other central authorities, issued n...

  • 2018年中国电商交易额31.63万亿

    19-05-29 Chinas e-commerce trade volume reached 31.63 trillion yuan (4.58 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2018. 2018年中国电商交易额达到31.63万亿元(4.58万亿美元)。 According to the report on Chinas e-commerce development in 2018, over 9 trillion yuan of online r...