• 网信办开展“清朗·‘饭圈’乱象整治”专项行动

    21-06-21 一段时间以来,饭圈粉丝群体在网上互撕谩骂、应援打榜、造谣攻击等问题屡见不鲜,破坏清朗网络生态,对未成年人身心健康造成不利影响,人民群众反映强烈。 The Cyberspace Administration of China kicked off a two-month nationwide campaign this month to purify t...

  • a vampire shopper 半夜网购的人

    21-04-21 A vampire shopper 吸血鬼购物者 听起来虽然很吓人,但这个英语说法所描述的人在生活中其实并不少见。它通过传说在夜间活动的虚构生物 vampires 吸血鬼 来比喻喜欢在夜晚上网购物的人们。 例句 Since our son was born, I rely completely on buying what I need onlin...

  • fight telecom and online fraud 打击治理电信网络诈骗犯罪

    21-04-15 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对打击治理电信网络诈骗犯罪工作作出重要指示强调,要坚持以人民为中心,全面落实打防管控各项措施,坚决遏制此类犯罪多发高发态势。 President Xi Jinping has called for acting on the people-centered philosophy...

  • 社交小程序故意让用户上瘾

    21-04-02 美国硅谷的内部人士告诉 BBC ,社交媒体公司故意让用户沉迷于他们的产品以从中获取经济利益。 Aza Raskin from the Centre for Humane Technology said social media companies deliberately use addictive technology in their apps in order to lure us in to spendi...

  • new types of consumption 新型消费模式

    21-04-01 国家发展改革委等28个部门印发《加快培育新型消费实施方案》,提出24项举措进一步培育新型消费、促进线上线下消费。方案指出,支持新型消费发展,对保障居民日常生活需要、全面促进消费、培育完整内需体系和构建双循环新发展格局具有重要意义。 China outlined 24 meas...

  • 先逛店后网购

    21-03-15 Do you like shopping? Or does the thought of traipsing round the shops fill you with dread? For some of us, shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our leisure time and our money. For me, its something I would rather avoid. Thank goodness for the i...

  • 政协委员建议改英语的必修课地位

    21-03-13 今年两会,全国政协委员、九三学社中央委员许进建议改革义务教育阶段英语的必修课地位。这一建议在网上引发了热议。 In the proposal, Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours s...

  • 喂,真的是你吗?

    21-03-11 People who want you to part with your cash and property can steal your passwords and personal details, but what about your voice? Thats what some big companies asked themselves before turning their attention to voice biometrics in their war against...

  • 脑海里的旋律

    21-02-28 Its party season and many of us will be dancing , eating and drinking too much. After a night of singing to catchy tunes from the charts, many of us will wake up with the music playing over and over in our heads. Some songs will never go away. A sur...

  • 自我帮助

    21-02-24 据估算,self-help industry 自助、自救产业 单在美国的产业价值就约一百亿美元。这个产业为什么会如此赚钱?那些宣称能重塑我们并彻底改变我们生活的出版物人气高的原因到底是什么? I need help! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but Im not sure where...