• 奥巴马演讲 在费尔法克斯一家私人庭院的演讲6

    10-09-19 All right, Ive got time for one more question. Im going to call on this young lady right here. Q Im really nervous. Thank you, Mr. President, for being here. Theres a lot of people sending you a lot of good energy, one being my 82-year-old aunt. She...

  • 妻子赚钱比丈夫多 婚姻易破裂

    10-09-12 You're in the job you always wanted and you're doing well, even making more money than your husband. 你有一份自己一直想要的工作,而且你做的很好,甚至比你丈夫赚钱更多。 But beware(注意,当心) . Women who become the chief breadwinners in their domes...

  • 研究:年收入5万英镑感觉最幸福

    10-09-11 Money can buy you happiness but only if you earn 50,000 a year after that you really have to work for it, a study claims. 最新研究表明,金钱的确能买来幸福,但前提是你恰好年入5万英镑。如果你挣得更多,幸福不幸福就要靠你自己争取了。 Earning less than t...

  • donation activity 募捐活动

    10-08-31 明星筹善款,原本可以一箭双雕,既给自己形象加分,又有助慈善事业,但要是诈捐,可就不只是不光彩的事情了,还会被怀疑人品。最近,章子怡在诈捐门中越描越黑,在一片愁云惨淡的诈捐质疑中,又发道歉信,又补交善款,只希望尽快挽回公众形象。 请看《中国日报》的报道...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济10

    10-08-23 Q I've got a very general question. THE PRESIDENT: Okay, go ahead. Q Its a very general question, here. I work on Wall Street. I was wondering what kind of changes we can expect to see in the reform in the next couple years. THE PRESIDENT: Well, her...

  • 研究:低收入男子易出轨

    10-08-22 Men who earn less than their female partners are more likely to cheat on them, a study published on Monday found. 本周一公布的一项研究发现,收入低于女伴的男性在感情上出轨的可能性更大。 Cheating may be a man's way of trying to restore(恢复,修复) h...

  • 英国某市为议员配备iPad 节省增效

    10-08-07 英国莱切斯特市议会近期宣布将出资近4万英镑为全部54名议员配备iPad,以提高工作效率并节省办公支出。 A cash-strapped council has been criticized after it announced plans to spend nearly 40,000 of taxpayers' money on iPads for every councilor. A cash-stra...

  • 奥巴马演讲 限制美国特殊利益集团的影响

    10-07-31 THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Tomorrow theres going to be a very important vote in the Senate about how much influence special interests should have over our democracy. Because of the Supreme Courts decision earlier this year in the Citi...

  • The goat butcher

    10-07-15 Qian Meixi recorded the story of Xue Qingguan, the goat butcher. He ran his own little store selling mutton and mutton soup. The fame of his delicious mutton soup spread far and wide(广泛地,到处) , bringing lots of customers. Some people even tra...

  • 瑞典女权主义者焚烧瑞士币抗议薪酬不公

    10-07-11 本周二,瑞典女权主义党派在瑞典东南海岸的哥得兰岛上焚烧了十万瑞典克朗的纸币,以此对本国男女同工不同酬的问题表示抗议。 Sweden's Feminist party roasted a pile of bank notes worth 100,000 Swedish crowns ($13,010) on Tuesday in a stunt designed to highli...