• A Small Almond-shaped Brooch

    10-06-23 In 1945, a 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the pricefive dollarswas far beyond Reuben Earle's means. Five dollars would buy almost a week's groceries(杂货,食品) for his family. Reuben couldn't ask his...

  • money mule 钱骡

    10-06-10 骡子这种动物,在影视剧里出现通常都是驮着一堆货物跟着主人赶路的形象。大概是因为经常充当运输工具的缘故吧,到了网络时代,很多新生的说法都包含mule这个词。当然,有一些代表的意思是负面的。比如,我们今天要说的 money mule (钱骡)。 A money mule is a person...

  • 世界最丑的狗“艾莉小姐”去世

    10-06-05 Canine lovers were in mourning Thursday at the news that a bug-eyed Chinese crested hairless pooch, who was officially crowned the World's Ugliest Dog, has died at age 17. 获评世界最丑的中国冠毛犬、暴眼无毛狗艾莉小姐近日去世,时年17岁。爱狗人士听闻...

  • My love tree

    10-06-02 For years I wanted a flower garden. I'd spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice together. But then we had Matthew. And Marvin. And the twins, Alisa and Alan. And then Helen. Five children. I was too busy raising t...

  • Abundance 富足

    10-05-05 Abundance is a life style, a way of living your life. It isnt something you buy now and then(偶尔,有时) or pull down from the cupboard, dust off(抹去灰尘) and use once or twice, and then return to the cupboard. Abundance is a philosophy(哲学,...

  • 世界银行成员国赞成集资举措

    10-04-26 US Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has said that World Bank members have agreed to two new developments. 美国财政部长盖特纳称,世界银行成员国同意其两项新发展措施。 Developing countries will have a greater say in running the World Bank They will...

  • The country maid and her milk

    10-04-12 A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into the following train of reflections. The money for which I shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred. These eggs, allowing f...

  • 调查:女性花钱更谨慎

    10-03-19 It may come as a shock to husbands fond of accusing their wives of frittering the family finances on shoes and handbags, but a study has found that women are in fact better at budgeting than men. 一项研究发现,女性在花钱方面其实比男性更有计划,这可...

  • 催眠疗法可缓解肠道易激综合症

    10-03-18 Greater use of hypnotherapy to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would help sufferers and might save money, says a gastroenterologist. 一位胃肠病学家称,对肠道易激综合症患者更多地使用催眠疗法可帮助他们减轻痛苦并可省下一笔医疗费。 Irritab...

  • 2009年十大网络流行语

    10-03-05 1. 不差钱 Money is not a problem. 出处:2009年央视春晚,赵本山、小沈阳等演出了小品《不差钱》。几乎一夜之间,二人转演员小沈阳连同小品中的多句经典台词,红遍大江南北。 入选理由:赵本山的小品历年来都不乏经典台词,这次有了小沈阳的加盟,语录更是经典。春晚...