• I Just Want $100

    11-05-20 Sammy prayed every night for two weeks, asking God for $100. When he got no response, he thought it would be a good idea to write to God and see if that worked. The post office received the letter addressed to God, Los Angeles. They decided that it...

  • One Hour Of Time 一小时

    11-05-19 A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated(烦躁的) , to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door. Daddy, may I ask you a question? Yeah, sure, what is it? replied the man. Daddy, how much money do you make an hour? That's...

  • 真人秀节目影响女生行为

    11-04-23 Girls behaviour at school is deteriorating due to the appeal of Wag lifestyles and reality TV shows, according to teachers. 据英国教师反映,由于受到太太团的生活方式以及电视真人秀节目的吸引,英国在校女生的行为越来越堕落了。 They are giving up on stud...

  • 奥巴马演讲 建设21世纪清洁能源经济4

    11-04-17 All right. Young lady right here. Q Mr. President, I want to thank you for going to Latin America a couple weeks ago. And this is a great story where Ex-Im Bank and Gamesa worked together to supply over 50 turbines to Honduras, for example. THE PRES...

  • A Stingy Guy

    11-03-30 Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy(吝啬的) and hated spending money. One day a fair came to the nearby town. Lets go to the fair, Matt, his wife said, We havent been anywhere for a long time. Matt thought about this for a...

  • 苹果前雇员泄露公司隐私被定罪

    11-03-01 A former employee of computer and phone firm Apple has pleaded guilty to multiple criminal charges and admitted he took bribes from Asian suppliers. 计算机与电话制造商苹果公司的一位前雇员对自己的多条刑事指控表示服罪,并承认从亚洲的供应商收取贿赂。 P...

  • Doing Business

    11-02-11 A man walks into a bar one night. He goes up to the bar and asks for a beer. Certainly, sir, that'll be 1 cent. One penny?! exclaimed(大叫,呼喊) the guy. The barman replied, Yes. So, the guy glances over at the menu, and he asks, Could I have a n...

  • 三成美国人“财务出轨”

    11-01-23 Three in 10 Americans commit financial infidelity by lying to their spouses about money, sometimes suffering consequences such as separation or divorce, according to a new survey. 最新调查显示,十分之三美国人会财务出轨,在钱财方面向配偶撒谎。这有时...

  • Don't work for money

    10-12-27 The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day. A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong b...

  • 美国发行“吉利钱”庆祝春节到来

    10-12-18 In celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year, the US Treasury Department Tuesday unveiled 2 new Lucky Money products, Year of the Rabbit and Lucky Lion. 为了庆祝即将到来的春节,美国财政部于周二发行了两款吉利钱:玉兔和金狮。 In celebration o...