• 9/10的英国人身负债务

    10-12-05 Nine out of 10 people have run up unsecured debt and many fear they will never be able to pay back what they owe, a survey has claimed. 一项调查称,十分之九的英国人背负无抵押债务,许多人担心会永远无法偿清自己的债务。 Around 89pc of people aged betwe...

  • 国际足联官员哈亚图否认受贿指控

    10-12-01 Senior football official Issa Hayatou has denied bribery claims made in a BBC documentary and has threatened to sue. 国际足联高级官员伊萨哈亚图否认BBC纪录片中的受贿指控并威胁将提起诉讼。 Issa Hayatou says the money was part of a sponsorship deal Mr...

  • charity fraud 诈捐门

    10-11-25 从泼墨门到诈捐门,国际巨星章子怡的星途最近颇为不顺。在两个多月的沉默之后,章子怡于3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Zhang Ziyi has been criticized for not replying to accusations of...

  • Two Dollars

    10-11-18 Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside: Second-hand clothes bought and sold. He was carrying an old pair of pants(裤子,短裤) and asked the owner of the store, How much will you give me for these? The man looked at them and then said rud...

  • 日本年轻女性收入超过男性

    10-10-23 Not only can young Japanese women look forward to a longer life than their male peers, now they also make more money. 日本年轻女性不但预期寿命会比男性长,如今她们赚的钱也比男性多。 Income for single women under 30 hit an average of 218,156 yen ($2,6...

  • 索马里沙巴布宣布禁用手机转账功能

    10-10-19 Somali Islamist group al-Shabab has ordered mobile phone companies to stop their popular money transfer services, saying they are unIslamic. 索马里伊斯兰教团体阿尔沙巴布下令移动通信公司停止其流行的资金转账服务,称其是非伊斯兰教的。 Mobile phone bank...

  • 国际足联调查世界杯投票权钱交易谣言

    10-10-18 Fifa is investigating allegations two of its officials offered to sell their votes in the contest to host the 2018 World Cup ahead of December's ballot. 国际足联两名官员出售其2018年世界杯举办权投票,国际足联目前正在对此谣言进行调查。 President Sepp...

  • recessionista 危机时尚达人

    10-10-11 经济危机好像对大多数人都或多或少产生了一些影响。原本天天下餐馆的人改回家做饭了,之前每月买十件衣服的人改买三件了,而曾经月入超两万的人忽然收入就少了一半了。经济危机影响够大,但是在一些人身上基本看不出来。她们照样衣着光鲜亮丽,走在时尚前沿,不愧是 re...

  • A Trip to Disney

    10-10-05 On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly(全心全意地) to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home. As we drove away, our son waved and said,...

  • 迷你假期——省钱省时的度假好办法

    10-09-25 If this languishing economy has left you pressed for time and short of money, you might consider stretching that relaxing getaway into bite-sized breaks. 如果萎靡不振的经济形势让你没钱又没闲,你或许可以考虑一下把超长假期拆成可以轻松消化的短假。 A fi...