• money talks 有钱能使鬼推磨

    21-09-15 money talks不是钱说话了,而是强调金钱具有很大的说服力和影响力,也就是我们常说的财大气粗;钱说了算;有钱能使鬼推磨。 例句: If you want us to help you out, heres some advicemoney talks. 如果你想让我们帮忙,给你点建议有钱能使鬼推磨。...

  • sadder but wiser 经一事,长一智

    21-09-10 表达 sadder but wiser 用来谈论 从一个非常痛苦或悲伤的经历中学到一些东西,就是所谓的 经一事,长一智。 例句 We had a bad time in our relationship, but we got through it sadder but wiser. We will never argue about money again. 我们的关系经历过低谷,但...

  • a roof over one's head 栖身之所,住处

    21-09-10 表达 a roof over ones head 用 头上的屋顶 来比喻一个人的 栖身之所,即 住处,居所。 例句 Bens friend lent him some money so that he could get a roof over his head. 本的朋友借了他一些钱,他才能有个地方...

  • be in the money 非常有钱

    21-09-07 be in the money从字面意思上看,如果一个人在钱堆里是个什么状态?没错,就是非常有钱的意思。 例句: Ill be in the money once I get the inheritance. 我拿到遗产后将会变得非常有钱。 有关money的更多表达 have money to burn有用不完的钱 Money talks金钱万能,...

  • marry money 嫁给有钱人;跟有钱人结婚

    21-09-07 marry money的意思可不是嫁给钱。 真正的意思是:嫁给有钱人;跟有钱人结婚。 例句: One way to get rich is to get marry money. 变富的一个方法就是跟有钱人结婚。...

  • be made of money 富有,有钱

    21-09-07 在一些美剧中,我们会看到be made of money这个词组,be made of是由做的,那be made of money难道是说由钱做的吗? be made of money英文解释:to be rich,中文就是富有,有钱。 其实这和表面意思能够联系起来。怎么使用呢? 例句: I have had several boots , I ca...

  • funny money 假钞;来路不明的钱;黑钱

    21-09-07 Funny除了有好笑的;有趣的的意思以外,还有欺骗(性)的;可疑的;不光明的意思。 所以,funny money真正的意思是:假钞;来路不明的钱;黑钱。 例句: Making funny money is illegal. 制作假币是违法的。...

  • good money 高薪;相当多的钱

    21-09-07 good money从单词表面上看,是好的金钱,可是这也理解不通嘛!到底是啥呢? 我们先来看good money的英文解释:an amount of money that you think is large. 即高薪;相当多的钱。 所以这里说的是金钱的数量。那么good money如何在口语中使用呢? 例句: Chinese paren...

  • in the red 处于负债或亏损状态

    21-08-25 处于红色状态 in the red 意思就是你欠银行钱了。当一个人或企业的财务出现赤字,那就意味着他们处于负债或亏损状态。 例句 Because the airline had to give everyone their money back after the delays, they now say theyre operating in the red. Ive paid off mo...

  • 你开心就好

    21-08-23 01 as long as youre happy as long as的意思是只要,as long as youre happy就可以表示只要你开心。 例句: You can have a dog as long as you promise to take care of it. 只要你答应照顾小狗,你就可以养它。 As long as youre happy, I could do anything for yo...