• 手机充值

    22-02-21 给手机充值的原因是手机没钱了。请注意,手机没钱不要说成My cellphone is out of money.这很Chinglish。 按照老外的思维方式,你往手机账户里充值后,你就有了一定的费用额度(credit),然后你打电话、发短信、上网实际上消耗的就是这个credit。 所以当你手机快没钱...

  • come clean 全盘招供;和盘托出

    22-02-16 come clean的意思是全盘招供;和盘托出。 I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what Id been doing. 我认为到时候了,该(向大家)说清楚我一直在干些什么。 和clean相关的一个搭配还有make a clean breast of it,也是全盘招供的意思。 Julia...

  • in a word 总之、总而言之

    22-02-07 汉语中,我们经常说一句话总而言之、言而总之是不是To make a long story short呢? 总之、总而言之是In a word或者All in all的意思。 举个例子: In a word, they can do everything they like with, money. 总之,他们用金钱能做到他们喜欢做的一切。 In a word, I...

  • be economical 细水长流

    22-01-26 细水长流,汉语成语,字面意思是water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust,比喻节约使用财物,精打细算。也形容一点一滴不间断地做某件事,长远打算。可以翻译为stint (on) in order to ensure longer use,be economical,do something graduall...

  • before the ink is dry 协议好的事很快生变;尘埃未定

    22-01-22 表达 before the ink is dry 和 the ink is still wet 的字面意思是 墨迹未干,实际意思是 正式协议或法律文件刚写好,情况就很快发生变化,也可以表示 尘埃未定,情况还可能有变。 例句 The council changed its mind on the by-pass before the ink was dry. 区政府...

  • 委婉表达不同意见 上

    22-01-07 I see what you mean. 我明白你说的什么意思了。 首先承认对方的意见是最重要的,在这个基础上再表达自己的不同意见会显得比较有礼貌。 I see what you mean, but we do not have enough money to do it. 我明白你说的什么意思了,但是我们没有足够的钱去做这个...

  • not giving two hoots 无所谓

    21-12-28 Not giving two hoots 是一个较为随便的短语,意思是你对什么事儿根本不在乎,与己无关。 例句 I dont give two hoots about having money, as long as Im happy. My girlfriend doesnt give two hoots about my career. She didnt even ask how my interview went. 请...

  • milking it 白蹭、榨取

    21-12-28 当某人 milk something 时,意思就是这个人想尽办法从某件事情或人身上取得最大利益。这个短语也带有白蹭或榨取利益的意思。 例句 Marthas mother won a lot of money in the lottery and her daughter has been milking it and buying the most expensive clothes she...

  • hang in there 坚持下去

    21-12-20 短语 to hang in there 意思是在困难的情况下忍耐一下,坚持下去。 例句 I know money is tight right now, but hang in there and itll get better. Im desperate to know my exam results, but Ill just have to hang in there until they are published. 请注意 另...

  • to ride it out 克服困难

    21-12-20 短语 to ride something out 意思是克服困难或冲过难关。 例句 I lost my job and cant spend a lot of money at the moment - Ill just have to ride it out until I get a new one. Jonathan had never run a marathon before - he was tired even before the halfwa...