• 要从小学理财吗?

    21-02-27 Are you good with money? I learnt to be careful with it during my childhood. My father would give me some pocket money and tell me it should last for a whole week. So, I learnt I had to save some if I didnt want to run out of cash quickly. No surpri...

  • 您选择哪种付款方式?

    21-02-27 买咖啡,给交通卡充值,你的日常生活还是用现金交易吗?无接触式付款已经不再新奇,手机支付也习以为常,甚至用你的手指支付技术也已进入大众消费支付领域。 How do you pay for your coffee? Is it with change? I use my tap-and-go card. I dont even need to enter...

  • 空房间变生财之道

    21-02-25 你想足不出户赚取外快吗?分享型经济允许你向陌生人出租自行车、停车位,甚至家里多余的空间。近年来,一些企业给希望通过保管他人财物来赚钱的人们提供了众多新平台。 If a stranger offered you money to keep a suitcase in your spare room, would you accept? How...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 19

    21-02-24 Buck took to Jim Tenny at once. There was something about this long, lean, brown-faced foreman of the Rocking-R, with his clear gray eyes and that half-humorous twist to his thin lips, which inspired not only confidence but liking as well. He listen...

  • 投资艺术品就肯定有回报?

    21-02-23 如今,投资的种类和方式有很多,其中最流行的一种莫过于艺术品投资。幸运的买家可能会买到一个有巨大升值空间的艺术品,但幸运的人毕竟有限,那么买艺术品是成为百万富翁的最佳方式吗?艺术品投资的风险大吗? We all have a different approach to money some of us l...

  • 英国:学历和收入之间的关系

    21-02-10 上大学获取一个学位可不是件容易的事。大多数人相信,获得大学文凭对一名毕业生的未来职业发展必有帮助。但这一纸文凭究竟有那么管用吗?学生所学习的专业会影响其未来的就业和收入吗? Whats the point of studying?! Its something you might ask yourself if youre...

  • 9个小技巧让爱情更甜蜜

    21-01-11 1. Keep a secret running list of stuff you partner wants to do or have. Then, on a special occasion or when you have the money, take that special weekend trip, buy that nifty thing. 2. After a fight go for walk and hold hands. Conversations are easi...

  • 现金消亡的时代是否会到来

    21-01-03 Cash is king, or so they say. In one form or another, human beings have been carrying around money for hundreds of years. Metal was first coined into cash between 700 and 600 BC by the Lydians, and banknotes have been in circulation since their firs...

  • 未来的零花钱

    21-01-02 There are many things we remember from our childhood the games we played, the music we listened to; but what about earning pocket money? This was our first ever wage for completing tasks such as tidying our bedroom or sorting the laundry. Our reward...

  • 改变哪些生活方式可以省钱

    20-12-14 What are some lifestyle changes that save money? 有哪些生活方式的改变可以省钱? 1. Cut back on hanging out with lavish friends who do lavish things you dont really enjoy. If you love skiing, go. But you dont have to go to Aspen during Christmas week...