• scrape together 东拼西凑

    21-05-26 东拼西凑,汉语成语,比喻零乱地加以拼凑,与七拼八凑意思相同。可以翻译为scrape together,patch up或pinch and scrape等。 例句: 东拼西凑的报告 Patched-up report 东拼西凑好不容易搞来几个钱。 It was not without difficulty that we scraped together a small...

  • little和a little

    21-05-21 虽然little和a little 都可以用来表示事物的数量少,但它们的用法却不同。Little表示几乎没有;而a little则表示有一点。 用法总结 1Little的意思是很少,几乎没有,用来表达消极的情绪,表明 数量少是一个问题。 Theres little money left we cant buy anything! Ther...

  • dig deep 倾力出资;倾尽全力

    21-05-16 在谈论金融方面的话题时,如果有人被要求 dig deep,意思就是让这个人 尽力寻找或付出额外的努力凑够一笔钱,倾力出资。短语 dig deep 也可以用来表示 在身体或精神上竭尽全力地去做一件困难的事情。 例句 The parents were asked to dig deep and help fund a new swi...

  • call a spade a spade 实话实说

    21-05-10 如果一个人的说话方式非常直接,而且实事求是,毫不遮掩或避讳,那么就可以用口语表达 call a spade a spade 把铁锨称作铁锨 来形容这个人 直言不讳,有什么说什么。 例句 The boss will tell you his honest opinion of your new business proposal. He calls a spade...

  • a storm in a teacup 小题大做,大惊小怪

    21-04-17 表达 a storm in a teacup 的字面意思是 茶杯里的一场风暴,但它实际用来比喻因为一件微不足道的小事而大惊小怪的行为。在日常生活中,如果有人小题大做,那么我们就可以说:Its just a storm in a teacup. 没什么大惊小怪的。 例句 My friends are not speaking becau...

  • 英格兰将征饮料瓶税以促进回收利用

    21-04-07 生活在英格兰的人们很快就需要为饮料瓶、罐支付更多钱,从而帮助提高回收率,同时减少浪费。这一决定意味着消费者需要为部分饮品的包装瓶、罐额外付款,但如果把容器送还到店铺回收,他们就能得到相应的退款。 Our drinks in future are going to be a bit more expens...

  • 先逛店后网购

    21-03-15 Do you like shopping? Or does the thought of traipsing round the shops fill you with dread? For some of us, shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our leisure time and our money. For me, its something I would rather avoid. Thank goodness for the i...

  • not pocket the money one picks up 拾金不昧

    21-03-13 拾金不昧,汉语成语,昧指隐藏(hide away),意思是拾到东西并不隐瞒下来据为己有,是一种良好的道德和社会风尚。可以翻译为not pocket the money one picks up。 例句: 在这个国家,法律规定,拾金不昧、物归原主者应得到相当于丢失物品部分价值的奖励。 In this co...

  • 寻宝

    21-02-28 Have you misplaced your wedding ring? And whats happened to that gold necklace - a family heirloom you were wearing until... well, until you noticed it wasnt there anymore? Dont despair - try your luck with The Ring Finders. This online directory co...

  • 分享型经济

    21-02-28 Do you have a spare room in your house? What about a driveway for your car? Both of these can help you make money. Many people who are feeling the pinch are taking advantage of whats been called the sharing economy. Perhaps the best-known example of...