• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 77

    22-07-22 After lunching in the basement of the Medical School Philip went back to his rooms. It was Saturday afternoon, and the landlady was cleaning the stairs. Is Mr. Griffiths in? he asked. No, sir. He went away this morning, soon after you went out. Isnt...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 55

    22-07-21 Philips ideas of the life of medical students, like those of the public at large, were founded on the pictures which Charles Dickens drew in the middle of the nineteenth century. He soon discovered that Bob Sawyer, if he ever existed, was no longer...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 39

    22-07-18 The Vicar of Blackstable would have nothing to do with the scheme which Philip laid before him. He had a great idea that one should stick to whatever one had begun. Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing ones mind. You chose...

  • water under the bridge 逝者如斯夫

    22-06-28 water under the bridge逝者如斯夫 无法重新来过或不值得再讨论的往事;另一种解释是很长时间过去了(a long time has passed)。 例: I should probably have asked for more money when I was offered the job, but hey, thats water under the bridge now. 我拿到...

  • cheapskate 小气鬼、吝啬鬼

    22-06-28 Cheapskate: A person who does not like to spend money on people (This is not used as a compliment) 小气鬼、吝啬鬼 例: Thomas did not want to spend $5 on flowers for his mother. What a cheapskate! 托马斯给妈妈买花连5美元都舍不得花,真是太抠门了!...

  • throw in the towel 认输,承认失败

    22-06-10 throw in the towel giving up and admitting defeat 扔毛巾 - 认输,承认失败 例句: I think we need to accept things as they are and throw in the towel before we lose any more money. 我认为我们应该接受事实,在我们输掉更多钱之前认输。...

  • 美国人因金钱承受的精神压力比以往任何时候都要大

    22-05-30 最近的调查显示,美国人因金钱承受的精神压力比以往任何时候都要大,87%的美国人表示,通货膨胀和物价上涨是他们压力陡增的主要原因。 Americans are more stressed about money than theyve ever been, according to the American Psychological Associations latest...

  • 母上大人的口头禅

    22-05-27 1.我还不是为你好? Im doing this for your own good. 2.在外面要注意身体。 Take care of yourself when youre not at home. 3.多穿点衣服。 Wrap up warm. 4.压岁钱我先帮你存着。 Ill keep your new years gift money for you. 5.到了给我打电话啊! Call me when y...

  • desire,longing,yearn,dying,aspire

    22-05-20 单词 desire、longing、yearn、dying 和 aspire 都可以用来谈论 想要某样事物,但用法不同,所以我们要根据具体的题材、话题和语境来作出相应的选择。 先来看 desire。Desire 既可以作动词,也可以作名词使用,比 want 更正式,不常用于非正式场合。动词 desire 有 强...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 3

    22-05-10 9.make a living to earn money in a profession or trade 用工作来谋生 He makes a living selling insurance to the elderly. 他通过向老年人售卖保险为生。 Can you make a good living by teaching? 你是以教书为生吗? 10.make a name for oneself to become famo...