• be absorbed in 全神贯注

    22-02-14 全神贯注,汉语成语,意思是全部精神集中在一点上,形容注意力高度集中。可以翻译为be absorbed in,be preoccupied with或be wrapped up in等。 例句: 下棋需要全神贯注。 Chess requires great concentration. 他全神贯注地听讲。 He listened to the lecture with...

  • give sb a piece of your mind 严厉责备,斥责(某人)

    22-02-09 give sb a piece of your mind感觉就是给谁点颜色看看,翻译为严厉责备,斥责(某人)。 斥责一般有这几种表达: ①rebuke I was rebuked by my manager for being late. 我因为迟到而遭到经理的训斥。 ②reprimand She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting ano...

  • earworm 洗脑神曲

    22-01-22 有没有这样一首歌,你可能连它的名字都不清楚,但就是谜一般的开口就会哼唱,这就是传说中的洗脑神曲。 洗脑神曲,专指那些听过一遍就会不知不觉跟着哼唱,就像被洗脑了一样不断浮现在脑海里的歌曲或调子(a catchy song or tune that runs continually through a pers...

  • feel a sense of relief 如释重负

    22-01-22 如释重负,汉语成语,意思是好像放下了沉重的担子那样轻松(as if relieved of a heavy burden),形容因解除了负担或摆脱困扰而感到轻松。可以翻译为feel a sense of relief,feel very much relieved等。 例句: 我们都如释重负地舒了一口气。 We all heaved a sigh...

  • one's mind is full of learning 满腹经纶

    22-01-10 满腹经纶,汉语成语,意思是满肚子学问、本领,形容人很有才学和智谋。可以翻译为be profoundly learned and talented,ones mind is full of learning等。 例句: 他雄才大略满腹经纶,是个不可多得的人才。 He has great knowledge and bold vision and is a rare ge...

  • 赞美外表

    22-01-07 May I be so bold as to compliment your + (dress / hair / outfit / etc.)? 我可以大胆地赞美你的+(衣服/头发/套装等)吗? You are looking beautiful / handsome today. 你今天看起来很漂亮。 May I pay you a compliment? You really look beautiful / handsome...

  • 请人帮忙怎么说才礼貌?

    21-12-17 1 Could/ Would you do me a favor? could这个词常常用于询问和请求,听起来比简单粗暴的can有礼貌得多,而Would you do me a favor?是更加正式的表达。 这两种问句用于话题开始,询问他人是否愿意提供帮助。 do me a favor也是个很常用的短语。 例: Could you do me a...

  • 安慰他人 上

    21-11-30 别在意。 Never mind. (没什么。)*带有别在意、忘了它吧、没什么的语感。 Dont worry (about it). Its okay. Forget (about) it. (没什么。) *比Never mind更直接。根据说法不同,有时听起来没有礼貌。 太遗憾了。 What bad luck. *用于宽慰努力了但却没能成功的人。太...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 18

    21-11-29 With a mind thus full of happiness, Catherine was hardly aware that two or three days had passed away, without her seeing Isabella for more than a few minutes together. She began first to be sensible of this, and to sigh for her conversation, as she...

  • none of your business 雨女无瓜

    21-11-19 雨女无瓜(literally rainy women without melons),网络流行词,实际上是与你无关的谐音,表示none of your business ; have nothing to do with you。 这个谐音梗(homophone based meme)出自电视剧《巴啦啦小魔仙》,剧中游乐王子的扮演者操着一口迷之口音,普通...