21-02-10 每个人一生中大约有三分之一的时间都处于睡眠状态。一直以来,科学家对于人类为什么要睡觉,睡觉时大脑究竟处于什么状态等问题进行了多方面的深入研究。那么,当人类处于睡眠边缘状态时,身体里到底发生着什么变化?它又意味着什么?新的研究正在寻找这些答案。 How lo...
21-01-24 LISHA WILKINS. WHEN Christie opened the eyes that had closed so wearily, afternoon sunshine streamed across the room, and seemed the herald of happier days. Refreshed by sleep, and comforted by grateful recollections of her kindly welcome, she lay t...
21-01-21 It was some days before the children were tired of talking over Bens birthday party; for it was a great event in their small world; but, gradually, newer pleasures came to occupy their minds, and they began to plan the nutting frolics which always f...
21-01-12 朝三暮四,汉语成语,字面意思是three in the morning and four in the evening,比喻常常变卦,反复无常(change ones mind frequently)。与英文习语chop and change意思相近,表示to continually change ones course of action, to the confusion or irritation of...
21-01-10 中国人在回忆过往时,常说往事历历在目。历历在目,汉语成语,指远方的景物看得清清楚楚,或过去的事情清清楚楚地重现在眼前,可以翻译为remain clear and distinct in ones mind; leap up vividly before the eyes; remember every detail as if before the eyes。历...
20-12-29 Getting old might not be something thats yet to cross your mind. But ageing is inevitably going to get the better of us one day, so its something Im sure wed all like control. It would be great to have a long, healthy and happy life, and thats why s...
20-12-26 Day after day the spider waited, head-down, for an idea to come to her. Hour by hour she sat motionless, deep in thought. Having promised Wilbur that she would save his life, she was determined to keep her promise. 为了想出一个主意,这只蜘蛛在网上倒...
20-12-24 The night seemed long. Wilburs stomach was empty and his mind was full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, its always hard to sleep. 夜好像变长了。威伯的肚子是空的,脑子里却装得满满的。当你的肚子是空的,可脑子里却满是心事的时候,...
20-12-22 1. Look out! 当心! 搭配look out的意思并不是向外看。在口语会话中,人们用它来告知他人有危险,所以应当心、小心。 2. Dont do that! 别那样做! 如果看到他人正在做很危险的事情,那么就可以用这句话来直白地告诉他人别那样做。 3. Be careful! 小心点! 形容词car...
20-12-20 In the hall she found Steve and Kitty, for he had hidden his little sweetheart behind the big couch, feeling that she had a right there, having supported his spirits during the late anxiety with great constancy and courage. They seemed so cozy, bill...