• only have eyes for someone 眼里只有某人

    22-12-01 搭配 only have eyes for someone 的意思是 只关注某人,只被某人吸引。人们也用它来表达 喜欢或爱着某人,对其他人不感兴趣。 例句 I told my boyfriend I only had eyes for him. 我告诉我男朋友,我眼里只有他。 Im in love! She said she only has eyes for me. 我...

  • “爱”的词汇表

    22-11-16 人们对爱的表达方式各有选择,对爱人的称呼个性而亲密。做下面这个测试,学习可用到的词汇和表达。 1. Baby, darling and sweety are all examples of names that lovers might call each other. What is the expression which refers to names used in this way? a) l...

  • 十大“中老年表情符号”

    22-10-17 1 - Thumbs up - 24% 点赞 2 - Red love heart - 22% 爱心 3 - OK hand - 20% OK手势 4 - Tick - 17% 对钩 5 - Poo - 17% 便便 6 - Loudly crying face - 16% 大哭 7 - Monkey eye cover - 15% 捂眼睛 8 - Clapping hands - 10% 拍手 9 - Lipstick kiss mark - 10% 口...

  • boxset boyfriend 电视男友

    22-10-08 最近又迷上哪部剧了?有没有哪个角色让你一见倾心?这个让你朝思暮想的人就是你的电视男友。 Boxset Boyfriend is a character you genuinely fall in love with while binge watching a series. 电视男友就是你在追电视剧时真心喜欢上的男性角色。 来看下例子: Did y...

  • “上头”怎么用英语表示呢

    22-09-20 1 be strongly obsessed with 这个词组意为疯狂迷上;十分着迷于,表达十分浓烈的迷恋,be fascinated by、be crazy about以及have a crush on都有此含义,可以替换使用。 例句: He was strongly obsessed with reading. 他疯狂地迷上了阅读。 2 on the spur of the m...

  • In Love With A Horse

    22-08-30 A worried patient went to his psychiatrist. Im in love with my horse, he said. But thats nothing, replied the shrink. A lot of people love animals. For instance, my wife and I have a dog that we love very much. Ah, but doctor, the patient replied. I...

  • 15句间接告白情话

    22-08-17 1. I hate you the least. 我最不讨厌你。 2. Youre the one I text when Im drunk. 你是那个我喝醉的时候唯一想传短信的人。 3. If youre a burger, Im a burger. 如果你是一个汉堡,那我也是汉堡。 4. Id totally shave my legs for you. 我愿意为你刮掉我的腿毛。 5...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 59

    22-07-21 Philip passed the evening wretchedly. He had told his landlady that he would not be in, so there was nothing for him to eat, and he had to go to Gattis for dinner. Afterwards he went back to his rooms, but Griffiths on the floor above him was having...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 57

    22-07-21 Philip arrived at Victoria Station nearly half an hour before the time which Mildred had appointed, and sat down in the second-class waiting-room. He waited and she did not come. He began to grow anxious, and walked into the station watching the inc...