• written in the stars 命中注定

    21-07-15 在西方,天上的星星象征梦想与希望,同时,星星也常和古老、永恒等概念联系在一起,满天的繁星在我们看来总是遥不可及,因此表达 written in the stars 用来指冥冥之中早已注定的、无法改变的事,通常形容爱情。 在莎士比亚名剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,搭配 star-crosse...

  • go out like a light 一沾枕头就睡着

    21-07-14 在英语中,go out 是一个被用来形容火、光、热熄灭的短语。成语 go out like a light 其实就是通过光亮熄灭的速度很快这一特征,来比喻某人立马就入睡、瞬间就失去意识,它的第一种含义类似于汉语里所说的一沾枕头就能睡着。 例句 I have no problem sleeping, I go ou...

  • 真爱的含义

    21-06-24 Love means that I know the person I love. Im aware of the many sides of the other person----not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and flaws. I have an awareness of the others feelings and thoughts, and I experience so...

  • 致橡树

    21-06-17 致橡树 To The Oak Tree 舒婷 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, I wont wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己; upvalue myself by your height 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, I will never follow a spoony bird 为...

  • a ten 十分;很完美

    21-06-10 十进制是全球通用的计数方式,在很多地方,数字10有很好的寓意。正如汉语中有十全十美的说法,英语中的ten也表示完美的。 所以你应该知道怎么理解Shes a ten表示她很漂亮很完美的意思了吧? 假如你刚约会完,朋友问你这个女生怎么样,你可能会说:她很完美,满分10分!...

  • when reality bites 当现实给了你一巴掌的时候

    21-05-22 表达 when reality bites 当现实反咬你一口的时候 可以用来描述人在长期逃避某件事之后不得不面对残酷现实的情况。 例句 You try to stay together with a partner you dont love, but when reality bites, youll have to separate! 你试图和你不爱的另一半在一起,但...

  • end it with someone 结束一段感情

    21-04-28 搭配 end it with someone 的意思是 结束一段感情,它用 end it 直接了当地来描述 停止交往 的动作。人们在交流中用这个简单易懂的说法来表示 分手。在使用时, end it with 后接曾经交往的另一半。 例句 I feel much better now Ive ended it with Gary. 和加里分手之...

  • my one and only 我的唯一

    21-04-11 短语 my one and only 用来形容 某人生命中最重要的那个人,即 我的唯一。它用来表示 此人是我唯一心爱的另一半。短语中的 my(我的) 可以用其它形容词性物主代词替换。 例句 My partner is amazing! I love her so much. She is my one and only. 我爱人真是太棒了!...

  • 爱情和语法

    21-03-16 Are you looking for love? When you want to impress a potential girlfriend or boyfriend, you take great care with your appearance and try to be on your best behaviour. But what about your grammar? Do you check if you are using verbs and commas proper...

  • 文坛英雄

    21-03-11 Are you a bookworm? Is your head permanently stuck in a book? If so, thats a good thing. There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy. But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading? Of cours...