22-06-10 通常在告白以前,注意一定要确定:时间、地点、氛围都合适,否则要不对方不走心,要不就觉得你在开玩笑~最后尴尴尬尬,不造怎么收尾~ 首先,你需要一张严肃脸,表示自己是相当的认真,其实,我有话对你说...,确定进入正题以后就敞开心扉来表达你的心意吧~ 1. Look, I...
22-05-27 11. All my love and thanks to you. 对你,我只有爱和感激。 12. I thank you most warmly. 由衷感谢你。 13. Thank you for never letting me down. 谢谢你从未令我失望。 14. It was so awesome of you. 你这人真好。 15. Words cant describe how thankful I am....
22-05-23 1. lovey-dovey 秀恩爱,(在公开场合)卿卿我我的,过分亲热的 I dont want to go out with Jenny and David. Theyre so lovey-dovey, I just cant stand it. 我可不想跟珍妮和大卫一起出门。他俩太腻歪了,让人受不了。 2. be an item 有恋爱关系 I saw Darren and E...
22-05-11 (To) Lose your touch 它字面意思表示再也不能用你的手指或手去触摸或感受。但实际上,它表示你失去了曾经拥有的可以处理某些事情的能力或才能。你平时很擅长某种才能,但却渐渐地力不从心,处理不了,就可以用这个短语。 I dont understand why none of the girls her...
22-05-07 head over heels 神魂颠倒 I was head over heels, you know? Everyone knew. 我神魂颠倒了,你知道吗?大家一定都知道。 Notes: head over heels原意是头朝下,颠倒,在这里表示深陷,神魂颠倒。例: He tumbled head over heels in the grass. 他头朝下脚朝天摔进草...
22-04-25 17. WALK OUT ON SOMEBODY 甩掉某人 leave your partner and end the relationship 离开伴侣,结束感情。 Youre the second men to walk out on me. I wont let it happen ever again. 你是第二个离开我的男人,不会再有下次了。 18. LEAVE SOMEBODY AT THE ALTAR 悔婚...
22-04-25 9. DOUBLE DATE 四人约会 two couples going out together on a date 两对恋人一起约会 Im so glad you and Toms brother are an item. From now on we can go on double-dates. 你能和汤姆的兄弟在一起真是太好了。现在我们可以一起约会了。 10. ON THE ROCKS 濒于破...
22-04-25 1.FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEBODY 坠入爱河 start feeling love towards somebody 对某人产生感情 I think Im falling in love with my best friend. What should I do? 我好像喜欢上了自己的好朋友,怎么办? 2. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT 一见钟情 falling in love with some...
22-04-15 This myth is wrong, but this myth is too real for too many. 这是错误的,但这个神话对太多人来说太真实了。 It is ancient, so it is trusted. 它很古老,所以是值得信赖的。 It is a habit, so its assumed to be the way things are. 这是一种习惯,所以它被认为...
22-04-15 But Im also just, Im still very curious. 但我也只是好奇。 Im still, I still have this passion for the work and for being on the set, and that time between action and cut, it is still extraordinary to me. 我仍然对工作和在片场拍摄有极大热情,拍摄和剪...