21-03-06 Im glad Im not alone. The number of people in the world who are obese or overweight has topped 2.1 billion, up from 875 million in 1980, according to figures published in a medical journal The Lancet. Im a fat Londoner one of many fat Londoners, it...
21-02-27 一项报告称在英国,大约有两百万对夫妻相互隐瞒个人的经济状况。另有44%的已婚人士不知道自己配偶的收入是多少。 Do you usually go dutch when you take someone out to dinner? Do you expect your date to pay for the whole meal? Many people say that as long as...
21-02-25 为什么有些人会吸引我们?而我们对另一些人却毫无感觉,没有兴趣呢?专家说,容貌、性格甚至气味都会影响人们对可选择对象的感觉和喜爱程度。 Im sure we all remember a time when we fell in love. For some it was a gradual realisation that the person you knew...
21-02-24 如果你每天早上都要喝一杯拿铁、卡布奇诺或是浓缩咖啡才能振作精神,那么从现在起,你可能需要注意了。专家说,咖啡一族们每天花在咖啡上的消费很可能会开始上涨,而且咖啡的口味也有可能不比从前。这究竟是为什么呢? Do you like drinking coffee? I certainly do. I...
21-02-08 交友方式随着科技发展在不断演变。从最初简单的由朋友介绍认识未来伴侣,到现在利用网络软件结识未来配偶。人们交流、交友的渠道越来越广泛。在英国,人们对交友软件已不再陌生。但这些软件到底有多受欢迎?有多少人真的找到了自己的知己? The course of true love ne...
21-01-31 Like mother/father, like son/daughter 是一个短语,也是一句谚语,它用来形容家长与他们的儿女的行为、特征或性格一模一样或非常相似。 根据所描述的对象,灵活使用 father(父亲) 或 mother(母亲) 和 son(儿子) 或 daughter(女儿)。比如,有其父必有其女 Lik...
21-01-24 BEFORE she had time to find a new situation, Christie received a note from Miss Tudor, saying that hearing she had left Mrs. Saltonstall she wanted to offer her the place of companion to an invalid girl, where the duties were light and the compensat...
20-12-22 《真爱至上》用十个小故事,为我们描绘了真爱千姿百态的样子:它无关身份、阶级、地位、语言、年龄它真实又浪漫,偶然又命中注定,令人心碎但还是要继续前行。论及我们爱《真爱至上》的理由,真的太多太多: It depicts love in a beautiful array of forms It shows l...
20-12-20 Now Im going to turn over a new leaf, as I promised. I wonder what I shall find on the next page? said Rose, coming down on New Years morning with a serious face and a thick letter in her hand. Tired of frivolity, my dear? asked her uncle, pausing i...
20-12-14 In Chinese culture how common is it to regularly say I love you? 中国文化里面,人们通常多久说一次我爱你? I cant remember a single time that my parents explicitly told me I love you. However, I can clearly remember the day I talked to my dad about K...