• 西班牙某女士宣布太阳为其私产

    10-12-05 After billions of years the Sun finally has an owner -- a woman from Spain's soggy region of Galicia said Friday she had registered the star at a local notary public as being her property. 经过数十亿年时光,太阳终于有主了!来自西班牙加利西亚省某潮湿...

  • An Old Couple's Quarrel

    10-10-13 A couple of codgers(有怪癖的人) got into a quarrel and came before the local magistrate(地方法官) . The loser, turning to his opponent in a combative frame of mind(心情) , cried: I'll law you to the Circuit Court. I'm willing, said the other....

  • 德国议会就希腊援助问题进行投票

    10-05-07 Germany's parliament is due to start debating a draft law on the country's share of the bail-out for Greece. 德国议会将就对希腊财政援助的份额问题展开讨论。 Greece's economic reforms that led to it abandoning the drachma as its currency in favour of...

  • 美国国会最终投票通过医改法案

    10-03-26 The landmark US healthcare reform law, which extends coverage to 32 million more Americans, has passed its final Congress vote. 涉及到3200万美国人的、具有里程碑意义的医疗改革法案已通过美国国会最终投票。 The US House of Representatives backed amendme...

  • 伊拉克通过新竞选法案

    09-12-07 Iraq's parliament has unanimously approved a new electoral law, paving the way for elections early next year. 伊拉克议会议员全体一致通过一项新竞选法,为明年早些时候的选举铺平了道路。 Vice-President Hashemi (L) withdrew his veto after the vote Parlia...

  • 澳大利亚在野党新领袖反对政府气候法案

    09-12-01 Australia's opposition Liberal Party has elected a new leader, amid a searing row over the government's carbon trading laws. 澳大利亚在野党自由党选出一位新领袖,试图与政府的二氧化碳排放法案达成一致意见。 The emissions scheme row has split the Libera...

  • Broadband tax 'to be made law' 英国拟征“宽带税”

    09-09-24 A controversial broadband tax should be law before the next election, according to Minister for Digital Britain Stephen Timms. 数字英伦部长Stephen Timms称,一项具有争议的宽带税在下次选举之前可能成为法律。 Anyone with a fixed line telephone will have...

  • French 'pass' piracy legislation 法国通过互联网立法

    09-09-16 The French National Assembly has passed a draft law that would allow illegal downloaders to be thrown off the net. 法国国民议会通过了一项法律草案,允许将非法下载人踢出网络。 Consumer groups warned the new law could punish the wrong people The law wa...

  • DNA fingerprinting 25 years old DNA指纹鉴定问世25年

    09-09-10 The scientist behind DNA fingerprinting has called for a change to the law governing DNA databases on the 25th anniversary of his discovery. DNA指纹鉴定方面的科学家在此方法问世25周年之际请求修改管理DNA数据库的法律。 Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys is ba...

  • Result due in right-to-die case 英国安乐死事件,结果待定

    09-07-30 A woman with multiple sclerosis is due to find out whether the Law Lords have backed her bid to clarify the law on assisted suicide. 一位患多发性硬化病的妇女希望找出上议院高级法官是否收回她澄清辅助自杀的请求。 Debbie Purdy is concerned her husband c...