• 遗传影响语言能力的发展

    14-07-22 A study of 473 sets of twins followed since birth found that compared to single-born children, 47 percent of 24-month-old identical twins(同卵双胞胎) had language delay compared to 31 percent of non-identical twins. Overall, twins had twice the ra...

  • 论旅行

    14-06-30 Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school, and not to travel. That young men travel under some tutor, o...

  • 楚人学齐语

    14-06-04 One day Mencius asked Dai Busheng, If a high official of the state of Chu stays here and he wants his son to learn the Qi language. Should he be taught by a person from Qi, or a person from Chu? Dai Busheng replied, He should be taught by a person f...

  • 处理语音与音乐的脑电路相同

    14-02-25 The brains of jazz musicians engrossed in spontaneous, improvisational(即兴的) musical conversation showed robust activation of brain areas traditionally associated with spoken language and syntax, which are used to interpret the structure of phra...

  • Caritas

    13-12-26 Caritas Rachael Boast These stones speak a level language murmured word by word, a speech pocked and porous(能渗透的) with loss, and the slow hungers of weathering. And there, in the broken choir, children are all raised voice, loving the play of...

  • 卡梅伦呼吁英国年轻人多学中文

    13-12-20 David Cameron, who has notoriously poor schoolboy French, is urging today's youngsters to abandon the language of Molire and Voltaire to concentrate on the tongue of the future - Mandarin. 众所周知,卡梅伦的法语水平相当一般。但他却呼吁英国年轻人放弃...

  • 法国人对英语的接受程度逐渐提高

    13-11-22 A recent survey found that the French are the second-most insecure people in Europe after Italy about their proficiency in English. Only 13 percent of the French respondents believed they are proficient in the language, according to the European dat...

  • 说一门外语能延缓降低的发病率

    13-11-07 In the largest study on the topic to date, research shows that speaking a second language may delay the onset of three types of dementias(痴呆) . The research is published in the November 6, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of...

  • 教师更易患语言障碍

    13-10-16 Mayo Clinic researchers have found a surprising occupational hazard for teachers: progressive speech and language disorders. The research, recently published in the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Other Dementias, found that people with spee...

  • 英国号召民众学外语 掌握1000外语单词

    13-09-29 由英国文化协会、英国工业联合会、英国科学院以及多家大使馆和语言教学机构共同发起的与未来对话活动向全体英国人发起号召,希望每个人至少掌握1000个外语单词,以免在未来的国际贸易往来和就业市场中被淘汰。 Everyone in the UK should learn at least 1,000 words o...