• 英国文学知识

    21-10-04 1.____refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. A. Allegory B. Conflict C. Irony D. Flashback 2.___was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England. A. Tennyson B. Robert Browning C. Mrs.Browning D. Robert Burns...

  • 美国概况人文知识4

    21-10-04 1 ._____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A .Washington B .Los Angeles C. San Francisco D .New York City 2. _____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions. A. Blacks B.Hispanics C.Indians D.Asian Americans...

  • 美国概况人文知识5

    21-10-04 1. _____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A. Washington D.C. B. Los Angeles C. San Francisco D. New York City 2. _____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions. A. Blacks B. Hispanics C. Indians D. Asian Americans 3...

  • mind/watch your language 注意措辞;小心点说话

    21-09-28 watch your language 不是看你的语言,而是你说话注意点。 如果你希望别人注意言辞别乱说话,但又不想把场面搞得太尴尬,可以说watch your language,意思就是小心说话,比直接说shut up让人闭嘴委婉。 watch your language里的language也可以换成mouth。 例句: You n...

  • last, at last, lastly, finally

    21-09-16 我们在用英语写作议论文时,表示 最后 是用 last、at last、lastly、finally 都可以吗?有没有细微的差别呢? 在英语学术写作中,为了使文章的结构和逻辑看起来更清晰,经常需要用不同的说法来引出多个要点。比如:firstly(首先,第一)、secondly(第二)、finally...

  • inherent、intrinsic、innate

    21-09-14 先来看 inherent 和 intrinsic 之间的相同点。在谈论一件事情的核心价值或者基础要素的时候,我们可以使用 inherent 或者 intrinsic。虽然这两个词的用法不完全相同,但在表达这层含义的时候,它们的意思很相近。我们来听一对例句,句子中,inherent 和 intrinsic 的意...

  • 用语言学习应用软件学外语

    21-03-30 有些人觉得学习另一种语言既有用又有趣。智能手机应用程序的兴起让学习语言变得更容易、更方便。惯来对语言学习热情不高的英国人似乎也充分利用了这种学习方法,开始学习外语。 Are you learning another language? Maybe youre trying to get to grips with it for wo...

  • 对于外国初学者 汉字难得逆天

    21-03-11 外国一位脱口秀演员在讲述自己学汉语的感受时说道,汉字看起来像各种棚子形状的小画: You want to be fluent in Chinese? You are going to memorize about 44,000 subtly different drawings of sheds. 如果你要流利地说中文,你需要记住约4.4万个长得差不多的像棚子...

  • 爸爸笑话 下

    21-01-17 8. I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. Ill let you know. 我在亚马逊上订购了一只鸡,一个鸡蛋。我会让你们知道结果的。 网友评论: Eggs still came first, but for another reason. The first chicken had to come out of a chicken egg as it would othe...

  • 学习外语的重要性

    21-01-03 As you probably know, learning a foreign language is sometimes challenging. But it can also be fun. We spend hundreds of hours at school trying to get our tongues round different vocabulary and grammar in order to earn a qualification. But learning...