• 语法不是人类语言所独有的

    16-03-09 Human communication is powered by rules for combining words to generate novel meanings. Such syntactical rules have long been assumed to be unique humans. A new study, published in Nature Communications, show that Japanese great tits combine their c...

  • 学外语的7个小窍门

    16-02-13 Set yourself a goal This goal could be finishing the Duolingo tree, or being able to speak with your friend in their native language. Work every day at it! Team up with other learners When using Duolingo, don't forget to use the sentence discussion...

  • 学外语吃力可能是因为大脑机制的原因

    16-02-13 People who struggle to learn foreign languages may simply have brains that are not wired to retain linguistic skills, a new study suggests. 最新研究表明,学外语比较吃力的人,可能仅仅是因为大脑机制之间缺乏连贯,难以保持语言技能。 Learning a second la...

  • 会说多种语言的中风患者更有可能恢复认知能力

    15-12-02 Stroke patients are more likely to regain their cognitive functions if they speak more than one language, new research has discovered. 最新研究发现,如果中风患者会说不只一种语言,那么他们更有可能恢复认知能力。 A study of more than 600 stroke victims...

  • 美国大学禁止学生使用冒犯性语言

    15-09-05 Professors at a US university have told students that they risk failing their assignments and even their semester if they use offensive or hateful language in class or submissions. 美国一所大学的教授告知学生,如果有人在课堂上或提交的作业中使用了冒犯...

  • Communication Skills

    15-06-16 Communication has been the major ingredient for the up gradation of the apes into human beings. Before language and the science of semantics were developed, facial expressions and body movements were the most sought after means for communication. Sl...

  • 人类语言的迅速崛起

    15-04-02 At some point, probably 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, humans began talking to one another in a uniquely complex form. It is easy to imagine this epochal change as cavemen grunting, or hunter-gatherers mumbling and pointing. But in a new paper, an MIT...

  • 基因开关的语言在进化中没有变化

    15-03-18 The language used in the switches that turn genes on and off has remained the same across millions of years of evolution, according to a new study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The findings, which are published in the scient...

  • 学习语言需要知道的十件事 下

    14-11-07 6. Ignore the myths: age is just a number You are a monolingual adult: have you missed the language boat? Ralby argues a key language myth is that it's harder as an adult. Adults and children may learn in different ways but that shouldn't deter you...

  • 学习语言需要知道的十件事 上

    14-11-07 1. Make realistic, specific goals You have decided to learn another language. Now what? On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself: what do you want to achieve and by when? Donavan Whyte, vice president of enter...