23-01-29 Ren is curious about the relationship between the UK and Australia. In many ways the two countries have a lot of things in common and they speak the same language. Australia was set up as a British colony hundreds of years ago so the two places have...
22-12-26 Outside the Marine Life Institute, Marlin and Nemo were wondering how they were going to get inside the Institute. Fluke and Rudder were still Ooo-roo-ing, and things were looking hopeless. What are you doing? Marlin asked. What is that? Calling her...
22-10-25 Storytelling is the oldest thing that humans do. 讲故事是人类做的最古老的事情。 Weve been doing it for thousands and thousands of years long before there was written language before there was any medium to convey it. 在书面语言出现之前,在任何媒介出...
22-07-04 6月28日,教育部在新闻发布会上称,截至2021年底,联合国教科文组织、世界旅游组织等10个联合国下属专门机构将中文作为官方语言,76个国家将中文纳入国民教育体系。 More than 25 million foreigners were learning Chinese by the end of 2021, according to the Minis...
22-06-21 Au fait this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language. It means to have good detailed knowledge of something. (This is not slang but a very British English expression.) Au fait是英语从法语中借用的表达之一。它...
21-12-13 1. Language learning is difficult 外语很难学 It is only difficult to learn a language if you dont want to. Learning a language takes time, but is not difficult. You mostly need to listen and read. Believe me, it is that simple. I have done it many t...
21-10-24 1. The study of __ is Syntax. A. textual organization B. sentence structures C. word formation D. language functions 2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A. arbitrariness B. productivity C. cultural transmission...
21-10-19 1. The sentence shall I compare thee to a summers day? is the beginning line of one of Shakespeares_____. A comedies B tragedies C sonnets D histories 2. The three dialects spoken by____ _____and _____mixed into a single language called Anglo-Saxon,...