• 早产婴儿存在健康问题

    12-03-02 Babies born just a few weeks early have a slightly higher risk of health problems in infancy, research suggests. 研究显示,早产几周的婴儿在婴儿期有稍高的健康问题。 Doctors said their work challenged widely held views that babies born after 37 weeks...

  • 曼德拉入院体检无恙出院

    12-02-27 Former South African President Nelson Mandela has been discharged from hospital after a diagnostic procedure for an abdominal problem, the government says. 南非政府称,前总统纳尔逊曼德拉因腹痛在一家医院接受检查,目前已经出院。 Mr Mandela last appear...

  • 世界年龄最大双胞胎度过第102个生日

    12-01-07 一对英国双胞胎姐妹日前度过了她们102岁生日,《吉尼斯世界纪录》已经正式将她们列为世界上年龄最大的双胞胎。 The world's oldest twins celebrated their 102nd birthday together on Wednesday. Born on January 4, 1910, Ena Pugh and Lily Millward have spent ea...

  • Moxons Master 9

    11-12-28 Three days later I recovered consciousness in a hospital. As the memory of that tragic night slowly evolved in my ailing brain I recognized in my attendant Moxon's confidential workman, Haley. Responding to a look he approached, smiling. 'Tell me ab...

  • 新式消毒技术将应用于医院病房

    11-12-11 A Queen's University infectious disease expert has collaborated in the development of a disinfection(消毒,杀菌) system that may change the way hospital rooms all over the world are cleaned as well as stop bed bug outbreaks in hotels and apartment...

  • 加尔各答某医院发生火灾 35人丧生

    11-12-09 At least 35 people have been killed in a fire that broke out in a hospital in the eastern Indian city of Calcutta (Kolkata), officials say. 印度官员称,东部城市加尔各答一座医院发生火灾,至少35人死亡。 Many patients are trapped in the hospital Most o...

  • Knows Better 医生懂得多

    11-11-17 A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: I think that he is very ill. I am afraid that he is dead. said the doctor. Hearing this, the man moved his head and sa...

  • 子宫切除术易使女性更年期提前

    11-11-15 In a finding that confirms what many obstetricians(产科医师) and gynecologists(妇科医生) suspected, Duke University researchers report that younger women who undergo hysterectomies(子宫切除) face a nearly two-fold increased risk for developing...

  • Very Pleased to Meet You 很高兴认识你

    11-11-09 During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her,...

  • “灵魂出窍”只是大脑的正常反应

    11-11-05 Some report feeling as if they are hovering above their own bodies, while others find themselves drawn towards a blinding light. But out-of-body experiences are nothing more than a trick of the mind, scientists claim. 不少有过濒死体验的人曾表示当时...