• 巴西圣保罗州将严查公共场馆

    13-01-31 The governor of Brazil's most populous state, Sao Paulo, has ordered tighter inspections of all venues, including nightclubs, cinemas and theatres. 巴西人口最稠密的圣保罗州州长下令对所有场馆进行严格检查,包括夜总会、电影院和剧院。 The measure follow...

  • 心肺疾病患者出院需慎重

    13-01-23 Following hospitalization for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia(肺炎) , patients are at high risk of being readmitted(再次入院) for a broad spectrum of medical conditions in the month following hospital discharge, research at Yale Schoo...

  • The Patient and the Ship Owner

    13-01-18 This incident occurred one morning outside Albert Sch-weitzer's hospital in the African jungle. A patient had gone fishing in another man's boat. The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr. Sch-weitzer said to...

  • The Last Tape

    13-01-17 The bustle of the hospital was a welcome distraction as I opened my new patient's chart and headed for her room. My son, Eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, Shannon, and I had argued again about her getting a dr...

  • 南非一女性被犀牛攻击

    13-01-16 A 24-year-old woman was seriously injured by a rhino moments after posing for a photograph with it, South Africa's Beeld newspaper reports. 南非《映像报》报道,一位24岁女士在犀牛旁边拍照后立即被其攻击,受伤严重。 Chantal Beyer posed with her husband...

  • 美前总统老布什离开特护病房

    12-12-30 Former US President George H W Bush's condition has improved, allowing him to be moved out after nearly a week in intensive care, his spokesman has said. 美国前总统乔治HW布什的女发言人称,他的身体状况已经好转,可以离开待了将近一周的特护病房。 George...

  • Today is a gift

    12-10-18 Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his...

  • 塔利班枪击受害者被空运至英国治疗

    12-10-15 The 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by Taliban gunmen last week is being flown to the UK for medical treatment, the Pakistani army has said. 巴基斯坦军方称,上周被塔利班歹徒射中头部的14岁巴基斯坦女孩已被空运至英国接受治疗。 Malala Yousaf...

  • 情暖今生

    12-09-28 It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy(羊毛状的) robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital. I was staring at the 59th Street Bridge. It was as sparkling and beautiful as a Christmas...

  • 摩洛哥发生重大车祸 42人死亡

    12-09-05 At least 42 people died when a bus plunged into a ravine in southern Morocco, officials say. 摩洛哥南部地区,一辆公共汽车冲进山谷,造成至少42人死亡。 The bus was almost totally destroyed in the accident More than 20 others are reported to have been...