• The Gift

    11-11-02 It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy(羊毛状的) robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting(使人畏缩的) New York hospital. I was staring at the 59th Street Bridge. It was as sparkling and beautiful a...

  • 土耳其少年被地震掩埋108小时后获救

    11-10-28 A 13-year-old boy has been pulled alive from the rubble in south-eastern Turkey, 108 hours after an earthquake devastated his town. 土耳其东南部震区,一位13岁的男孩被从废墟中救出来,此时地震已经过去108小时。 The injured boy was rescued from a collap...

  • 医生交接班对病人治疗有一定影响

    11-10-21 Patient handovers have increased significantly as a result of the restrictions on the number of hours residents are allowed to work. Multiple shift changes, and resulting consecutive sign-outs, during patient handovers are linked to a decrease in bo...

  • 印度爆发脑炎 400多人死亡

    11-10-14 More than 400 people, mainly children, have died in an outbreak of viral encephalitis in northern India, health officials say. 印度卫生官员称,北部地区有400多人死于病毒性脑炎,大多数死者是儿童。 Viral encephalitis has killed hundreds of children in...

  • 英国医生分离两名连头女婴

    11-09-19 Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors. 一队英国医生成功将两名连头婴儿分离开来。 The twins do not appear to have suffered neurological side effects as a result of surgery Baby girls Rital...

  • 俄罗斯城市发生有毒化学物泄露事故

    11-09-02 At least 30 people have been taken to hospital after a toxic chemical leak in the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia's Ural mountains, say officials. 俄罗斯官员称,地处乌拉尔山脉的车里雅宾斯克城发生有毒化学物泄露事故,至少30人被送往医院治疗。 Thousands m...

  • 加尔各答某医院17名婴儿离奇死亡

    11-07-01 The Indian state of West Bengal has ordered an investigation into the deaths of 17 infants reportedly within 36 hours at a Calcutta hospital. 印度孟加拉邦下令加尔各答某医院在36小时内调查17名婴儿的死因。 Around 400 people protested outside the BC Roy...

  • 利比亚班加西地区医院药品储量面临危机

    11-06-28 A medical crisis is looming in eastern Libya with hospitals in Benghazi running short of supplies, the rebels' health minister says. 利比亚反对派卫生部长称,东部班加西地区的医院药品储量不足,即将面临医疗危机。 Stocks of drugs and other items such as...

  • 英国公布护士着装标准

    11-06-18 Nurses have been banned from showing cleavage or baring midriffs after NHS trust warned they must uphold hospital standards. 英国国民健康服务基金会近日提醒护士遵守医院着装标准,禁穿低胸装或露脐装。 East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust has issued a...

  • 美国一月被袭女议员康复出院

    11-06-16 The US congresswoman shot in the head in January has been released from hospital to begin outpatient treatment after improvements in her condition. 今年一月份被射中头部的美国国会女议员身体状况好转,已于近日出院开始门诊治疗。 Ms Giffords will continu...