• Going beyond fear

    11-06-10 When I was told last year that my 2-year-old son had an illness that threatened his life, I tried to strike a bargain(达成协议) with fate――I would do anything, I would trade my old life away, if only he would get better. We learned that our son...

  • 对心力衰竭病人进行远程监控

    11-05-23 Gothenburg, Sweden: Two trials presented at the Heart Failure Congress 2011, organized by the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology(心脏病学) (HFA of the ESC), will help to define the precise populations of patients with...

  • 南非小镇索韦托发生火车撞击事故

    11-05-20 More than 300 people have been injured in a train crash during the evening rush hour in the South African township of Soweto in Johannesburg. 南非约翰尼斯堡小镇索韦托傍晚下班时间发生一起火车撞击事故,超过300人受伤。 Some injured people were treated...

  • 巴西总统患肺炎住院

    11-05-02 Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is in hospital suffering from pneumonia, her spokesman Rodrigo Baena says. 巴西总统狄尔玛罗瑟夫的发言人罗德里戈贝娜称,罗瑟夫患肺炎住院。 Dilma Rousseff took office at the beginning of the year Ms Rousseff had been...

  • 老年人住院可能遭受暂时记忆丧失

    11-04-15 Battling an illness, lack of sleep and strange surroundings can make any hospital patient feel out of sorts(心情不佳,身体不适) . For seniors, hospitalizations actually may cause temporary memory loss and difficulty in understanding discharge inst...

  • public hospital reform

    11-04-01 China has decided to start public hospital reform with pilot programs in selected cities or districts in each province, autonomous region and municipality, according to a cabinet guideline passed Wednesday. 国务院本周三出台的指导意见提出,我国已决定...

  • 突尼斯前总统本·阿里病重住院

    11-02-18 Former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali is seriously ill in a Saudi hospital, reports say. 报道称,突尼斯总统扎因阿比丁本阿里病情严重,在沙特一家医院中治疗。 The uprising ended Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year hold on power in Tunisia Mr...

  • 南非前总统曼德拉入院体检已两夜

    11-01-28 Former South African President Nelson Mandela is spending a second night in a hospital under medical supervision, amid growing concerns over his health. 南非前总统纳尔逊曼德拉已遵医嘱在医院度过两个夜晚,其健康状况令人越来越担忧。 The president's off...

  • 心力衰竭病人住入普通病房死亡率加倍

    11-01-18 Heart failure patients admitted to general wards are twice as likely to die as those admitted to cardiology(心脏病学) wards, shows a national audit of the treatment of the condition, published online in the journal Heart. Women fared worse than me...

  • 老挝将军、苗族领袖王宝客死美国

    11-01-09 Vang Pao, the former general and leader of his Hmong ethnic group in Laos, has died in exile in the US, aged 81. 王宝老挝前将军、苗族领袖客死美国,终年81岁。 Vang Pao, accused of subversion against Laos in 2007, was revered for his war record He had...