• 英国今年的通胀率将会高达11%

    22-07-28 汽油、牛奶、鸡蛋英国物价涨幅创下了40多年来的新高,与此同时,通胀率还在不断飙升。英格兰银行预测,英国今年的通胀率将会高达11%。 Prices are continuing to rise at their fastest rate for more than 40 years, driven by higher petrol and food costs. 由于汽...

  • 16个常用的口语缩略词 下

    22-07-25 9. gotcha - 逮到你了 原型:got you 例:I gotcha! Cmon we need to help Robert.(我逮到你了!赶紧我们要去帮助Robert) 10. gotta - 必须 原型:got to 例:Its too late, I gotta go(太晚了,我得走了) 11. outta - 离开 原型:out of 例:I dont wanna see you anym...

  • Do you want a ride? 要不要搭便车?

    22-07-25 Do you want a ride? 要不要搭便车? 【影视实例】《超人新冒险》 LOIS: Its not like were a team or anything. Do you want a ride? CLARK: Ill walk. Maybe the fresh air will help. 适用情况:有车族厚道的提议。 补充说明:让人搭便车叫做give a ride,想要搭便...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 71

    22-07-22 Philip, in return for Griffiths confidences, had told him the details of his own complicated amours, and on Sunday morning, after breakfast when they sat by the fire in their dressing-gowns and smoked, he recounted the scene of the previous day. Gri...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 61

    22-07-21 He saw her then every day. He began going to lunch at the shop, but Mildred stopped him: she said it made the girls talk; so he had to content himself with tea; but he always waited about to walk with her to the station; and once or twice a week the...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 2

    22-07-13 It was a week later. Philip was sitting on the floor in the drawing-room at Miss Watkins house in Onslow gardens. He was an only child and used to amusing himself. The room was filled with massive furniture, and on each of the sofas were three big c...

  • cannot help doing 不能自已

    22-07-08 不能自已,汉语成语,意思是不能控制或克制住自己的感情。可以翻译为cannot control oneself,be beside oneself,cannot help doing或lose self-control等。 例句: 接到聘用通知,她兴奋得不能自已。 She was beside herself with excitement when she received the...

  • 淡定回应别人的赞美

    22-06-09 1. 欣然接受型:直接谢谢 Thank you, thats very kind of you! 谢谢你这么说。 I really appreciate you noticing that. 感谢你看到了这一点。 Thanks. Im glad I can help you! 谢谢你的称赞,很高兴能够帮到你。 2. 谦虚回应型:哪里哪里 Oh, its nothing! You are f...

  • Take it on me! 这是我的,请用吧!

    22-06-09 意思是:这是我的,请用吧!这是免费的(help yourself to it; it is free),这多半是指吃的东西或一些不贵重的东西。例如: Here are some candies from England; take one on me. (这是来自英国的糖果,尝一个吧!) (one = candy) The restaurant owner said to me, T...

  • 怎么用英语形容“穷”

    22-06-07 1. There are a lot of struggling families who need our help. 有很多艰难度日的家庭需要我们的帮助。 2. He lived his whole life as a struggling artist and didnt become famous until after his death. 作为艺术家,他一生贫困潦倒,直到死后才成名。 3. This s...