• a rough diamond 一个外粗内秀的人

    21-07-08 Rough diamond 的意思是未经加工的钻石,我们可以用它来形容一个看上去粗鲁但心地善良的人,这个人的言行举止可能会稍显鲁莽但实际本性却是善良的。 例句 John is a rough diamond; despite his appearances, he gets on with everyone in the group. 别在意约翰的外表...

  • green girl 生手,没有经验的人

    21-06-18 green girl可不能理解为绿色的女孩,它指的是职场上的新人,表示:生手,没有经验的人。 例句: Shes still a green girl. You have to help her. 她是新手,你要多帮帮她。...

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情

    21-06-06 患难见真情,意思是指只有经过共同的患难才能看出自己的知心朋友,与英文谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed意思相同,表示A true friend is a person who will help you when you really need help. 例句: 我脚踝骨折时,米歇尔在医院陪我。患难见真情。 Miche...

  • 对他人的帮助表示感谢

    21-06-04 1. I cant thank you enough. 我对你感激不...

  • 道谢

    21-05-28 1. I cant thank you enough. 我对你感激不...

  • in case还是if?

    21-05-19 1 当我们想谈论 为以后可能发生的事情或后果采取预防措施 时,用 in case,表示 以防,免得。换言之:做事件 A 是为了防备事件 B 的发生。 Ill call you in case I need help with my homework. Ill take an umbrella in case it rains. 2 我们用 if 谈论 如果特定的条...

  • bear a hand to somebody 一臂之力

    21-05-08 一臂之力,汉语成语,意思是指一部分力量或不大的力量,表示从旁帮一点忙,可以翻译为give/offer somebody a helping hand或bear a hand to somebody。 例句: 你有困难,我会助你一臂之力。 If you get into trouble, Ill do all I can to help. 幸好他答应助我们一臂...

  • one in a million 百里挑一

    21-04-20 形容词短语 one in a million 的字面意思是 百万中的一个。在实际运用中,人们多用它来描述某人的品行是 独一无二的、十分出众的;或在接受了他人提供的帮助后,用 one in a million 来称赞此人是 百里挑一的好人,以示感谢。 例句 Thank you for all your help with t...

  • 大众科学

    21-02-28 Are you patient? Do you have attention to detail, free time and access to a computer? Well, then a scientist might welcome your help. Researchers in the UK say its becoming crucial to count on Joe Public to help them with their projects. They need p...

  • 有感于陌生人的慈善心怀

    21-02-27 How much empathy do you feel towards other people? If you saw someone fall off their bike in traffic, would you stop and help - or just walk away? Many people would give in to apathy, go about their business and just do nothing. So it was a big surp...