• 《恐龙当家》第16章

    22-11-09 As the sun broke over the horizon, the light dusting of snow sparkled against the ground. Ever faithful, the T-rexes, Arlo, and Spot herded the longhorns on. Arlo and Spot followed, helping to drive the herd from behind. When Butch noticed the herd...

  • 《恐龙当家》第6章

    22-11-07 After that day, everything changed. The family worked hard, trying to keep up with the endless tasks that were necessary to maintain the farm. But as winter approached, they were falling behind. Momma was exhausted and many of the fields were left f...

  • 常见礼貌用语

    22-09-20 Would/Could you help me? 你可以帮助我吗? If you get a chance, could you...? 如果你有时间,你能吗? Excuse me? Can you do me a favor, please? 打扰了。你能帮我一个忙吗? Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我一个忙吗? If its not a problem, could/can I ...?...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 2

    22-09-13 They each had their own room and all. They were both around seventy years old, or even more than that. They got a bang out of things, though--in a haif-assed way, of course. I know that sounds mean to say, but I dont mean it mean. I just mean that I...

  • millstone around one's neck 沉重的负担

    22-08-18 我有个表兄,说起来挺可怜的。他从小就立志要做律师。几年前如愿以偿,从法学院毕业,加入了一家律师事务所。如今,他一天从早忙到晚,周末都不能跟家人在一起。可是因为上法学院欠下的一屁股债,所以又不能放弃律师的工作。他所面临的进退两难的局面,倒是让我想起了...

  • one's name is mud 失去信誉,名声扫地

    22-08-17 在中文里,name是名字;mud是泥巴。说一个人his name is mud可不是说他的名字叫泥巴,而是说此人失去信誉,名声扫地。 下面例子里的一位模范市民最近也遇到了麻烦。让我们听一听。 例句-1:I really admired the charity work of my neighbor. For years, she had rais...

  • 英国人什么时候说Sorry 下

    22-08-16 25. When offering your seat to someone a millisecond late. 让座慢了1毫秒。 26. Not offering a drink to someone within the first 10 seconds of them entering your house. 别人进了你家门10秒,还没给人倒东西喝。 27. Asking a shop assistant for help. 叫店...

  • 寻求帮助

    22-08-15 I was wondering if I could talk to you about... I was hoping that if I could talk to you about... I was wondering if itd be possible that you... 上述句子均表示:不知我是否可用跟您请教.../您可否... 这种句式一般都是用过去时,在email里面也是如此。而且...

  • 家里来客时常说的客套话

    22-08-04 1. Im really glad that you could come. 你能来真是太好了。 2. Please make yourself at home. 在我这儿别见外。 3. Please help yourself. 请随意~ 4. Be my guest. 请便,别客气。 5. We are all friends please dont stand on ceremony. 大家都是朋友,请别见外。...

  • 高强度运动每周5小时就足够

    22-07-28 哈佛大学的一项研究发现,每周进行五小时以上的高强度运动无法获得更多益处,对于避免过早死亡没有帮助。这项对10万名美国人为期30年的研究分析了运动如何影响一个人的死亡风险。研究发现,每周进行75分钟的剧烈运动(每周建议剧烈运动量)可以将死于心血管疾病的风险...