• do one's bit 添砖加瓦

    22-03-22 添砖加瓦,汉语成语,原指建房屋时不断地给添砖块加瓦片(add bricks and tiles to a building)。后比喻做一些工作,尽一点力量。可以翻译为do ones bit,do what little one can to help等。 例句: 我们要为国家的经济建设添砖加瓦。 We should do our bit to help...

  • luggage claim 行李领取处

    22-02-22 我们说找,寻找,第一反应都是find,但find在英文里侧重的是寻找遗失的物品,所以你说了find,那么多半机场工作人员,会给你带到失物招领处。其实我们说的找行李,只是想问去哪里拿行李,也就是行李认领,正确的说法是claim,行李领取处就是luggage claim。 I cant fin...

  • 使用问题打断别人的对话

    22-02-15 Could I jump in? 我能加入吗? Could I add something? 我能补充一点吗? Can I say something? 我能说些话吗? May I interject? 我能插句话吗? Would you mind if I joined the conversation? 你介意我加入交谈吗? I couldnt help overhearing. (Use when listeni...

  • 高兴

    22-02-09 如果happy的开心指数是2星,jubilant是4星,那么ecstatic当之无愧的就是全5星的幸福开心了,也就是我们中文所说的狂喜。 如果有一天你彩票中了500万,你就可以说: Im ecstatic that I won the jackpot! 来看一段形容心情愉悦的话: I feel blessed to have such good f...

  • pig out 狼吞虎咽,沉迷于某事

    22-02-09 英语里关于pig的象征意义,其实也和我们汉语一样,都有吃货的意思。词组pig out就是狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃。如果你家里养过猪,你就知道猪吃东西的时候是如何豪放了,它们会发出一阵阵吵杂的声音,然后大口大口地吞下食物。 大家要记住哦,不要把pig out翻译成猪,...

  • 节假日保命指南

    22-02-09 Are you seeing someone? 谈朋友了吗? No, Im currently working on improving myself. I believe that will help me find a suitable mate who will make me and my parents happy. 还没呢。正在努力提高自己,这样才能找到一个好伴侣,我开心,我父母也才开心哦。 W...

  • 乘机必备10大场景英语表达 上

    22-02-07 1 找不到座位 上飞机的时候可能会遇上找不到飞机座位的状况,尤其是当乘坐用于国际长航线的大飞机时,座位会非常密集,这时候就需要找到空乘美眉: Could you please help me find my seat?/direct me to my seat? I cant find my seat. 你能带我去我的座位吗?我找不...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 10 Interrogations

    22-01-21 It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that wassure last night was a dream. Logic wasnt on my side, or common sense. Iclung to the parts I couldnt have imagined like his smell. I was sureI could never have dreamed that up on...

  • around the clock 全天候,昼夜不断的

    22-01-07 around the clock的意思是全天候,昼夜不断的,如果用来形容某个事物,说明它是24小时全天候营业的。 The hotels service is great. T here is always someone available to help you around the clock. 这家酒店的服务很棒,总有人可以24小时帮助你。...

  • close-knit 紧密的

    22-01-04 Close-knit 经常被用来形容关系紧密的人群或组织,可以是家庭,社会群体或有文化关联的组织。 例句 The island has a close-knit community and everyone pulls together when someone needs help. They are such a close-knit family that they never keep secrets fr...