• when push comes to shove 危急关头

    22-01-04 When push comes to shove 或 if push comes to shove 这两个短语的意思是 在关键时刻, 或危急关头。 例句 Hes quite unreliable, but when push comes to shove I know hell be there to help. Money is tight, but if push comes to shove well have to get a loan....

  • 怎样同意别人的求助?

    21-12-17 No problem. 没问题。 Sure. 当然。 My pleasure. 我的荣幸。 Id be glad to help you. 我很乐意帮助你。 Why not? 表示没有理由不同意,也可以翻译为当然、很愿意。...

  • the salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

    21-12-14 在英语里,我们可以用 salt of the earth 来形容一个人接人处事诚恳正直,是一位诚实善良的人。 例句 Annie is the salt of the earth. Despite all her own troubles she is the first to offer help to do the chores for her elderly neighbour. I didnt realize th...

  • 小词大用之thing 上

    21-11-29 1 things 财产;(个人的)所有物,用具;成套物品 Let me help you clear away the tea things (= cups, plates, etc. that are used for having tea). 我来帮你收拾茶具。 2 the real thing 真事;真品,非赝品 The fire alarm goes off accidentally so often that...

  • give the shirt off one's back 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙

    21-11-19 如果某人 不惜一切地帮助你,即使把最后一点家当都给你也在所不惜,就可以用短语 give the shirt off their back 来描述这个人的行为,意思是 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙。 例句 Jack is such a nice guy he would give his shirt off his back to help you out. 杰克真是个大...

  • shoot

    21-11-01 除了射击之意,还有以下日常用法: -Whenever you need help, just shoot me an email. 要帮忙的时候,发个邮件给我就行。(比send更口语化) - Ive collected some negative comments on you. 我这有一些关于你的负面评论。 -Shoot. 说。(类似于Go ahead,说吧,这个...

  • 辛苦了!

    21-10-13 你辛苦了的英文可不是Youre tired。中文里面说的你辛苦了,其实是表达感谢。所以,我们可以直接说 例句: I appreciate your help. 多谢你的帮忙! 如果是不太熟的人帮了你忙时,可以这样说,比较正式一些 例句: I couldnt have done it without you. Thanks! 没有你...

  • money talks 有钱能使鬼推磨

    21-09-15 money talks不是钱说话了,而是强调金钱具有很大的说服力和影响力,也就是我们常说的财大气粗;钱说了算;有钱能使鬼推磨。 例句: If you want us to help you out, heres some advicemoney talks. 如果你想让我们帮忙,给你点建议有钱能使鬼推磨。...

  • a piece of cake 小菜一碟

    21-08-25 如果说做一件事就像 a piece of cake, 意思就是易如反掌,小菜一碟。 例句 Changing the wheel on the car was a piece of cake - I was happy to help! I dont know what all the fuss was about - the exam was a piece of cake! I had half an hour to spare. 请注...

  • close-knit 紧密相连

    21-08-09 Close-knit 经常被用来形容关系紧密的人群或组织,可以是家庭,社会群体或有文化关联的组织。 例句 The island has a close-knit community and everyone pulls together when someone needs help. They are such a close-knit family that they never keep secrets fr...