• 尼日利亚女运动员被剥夺联邦运动会金牌

    10-10-13 Commonwealth Games women's 100m winner Damola Osayemi has been stripped of her gold medal after her B sample tested positive for a banned stimulant. 英联邦运动会女子100米冠军Damola Osayemi因B尿样检测结果呈阳性而被收回金牌。 The decision sees England...

  • The Zen of Cat

    10-09-29 The man was very sad. He knew that the Cats days were numbered(屈指可数,有限) . The doctor had said there wasnt anything more that could be done, that he should take the cat home and make him as comfortable as possible. The man stroked the Cat on...

  • 黄金价格创历史新高

    10-09-26 The price of gold has risen above $1,300 an ounce for the first time. 黄金价格首次上涨并超过1300美元每盎司。 Investors favour gold in time of uncertainty The price of the precious metal reached $1,300.07 during trading at the London bullion market(...

  • 英国超市推出一套15英镑“经济型”锆石婚戒

    10-08-21 英国一家大型超市最近推出了一套经济型婚戒系列,顾客花15英镑就能买到一只镶有锆石的镀金银制订婚戒指,同样的价钱还能买到一只重0.55克的9k黄金婚戒。 Tescos 15 engagement ring, made from gold-plated silver and featuring a zirconia stone. Traditionally, any...

  • A Huge Lump of Gold 一块大金子

    10-07-28 Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided to hide a huge lump(块状) of gold to protect it from bandits(土匪,盗贼) and robbers. So he buried it in a nearby rice field. Many years later, the village was no...

  • The Golden Plate 金盘子

    10-07-28 Once upon a time in a place called Seri, there were two salesmen of pots and pans and hand-made trinkets(小装饰品) . They agreed to divide the town between them. They also said that after one had gone through his area, it was all right for the oth...

  • 金纳米棒可有效传递流感病毒抗体

    10-05-25 Future pandemics(流行的,普遍的) of seasonal flu, H1N1 and other drug-resistant viruses may be thwarted(反对,挫败) by a potent(有效的,强有力的) , immune-boosting payload that is effectively delivered to cells by gold nanorods, report scienti...

  • 纳米微粒 对付癌细胞的“聪明”杀手

    10-03-09 Another weapon in the arsenal(兵工厂,军械库) against cancer: Nanoparticles that identify, target and kill specific cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Led by Carl Batt, the Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Food Science, the researcher...

  • The farmer and his gold pieces

    10-01-04 There was once a farmer. His land was hilly多坡的,丘陵的 ; the soil was not the best. He had a cow that wasn't giving much milk; he had chickens who were laying few eggs. The place looked run-down: barn and fences needed repair. The farmer and his...

  • Bolt sets record to win 100m gold 博尔特创造100米新纪录

    09-08-17 Triple Olympic champion Usain Bolt set a new world record as he stormed to a stunning victory in the 100m at the World Championships in Berlin. 三项奥运会冠军博尔特在柏林举行的世界锦标赛上风速般赢得胜利并刷新了新的世界纪录。 Replay - Record-breaking...