• 迪拜启动减肥换黄金 减1公斤获1克黄金

    13-07-28 为了推行健康的生活方式,阿联酋迪拜市政府近日启动减肥换黄金活动,在30天内每减掉1公斤体重就能获得1克黄金(每克黄金当前市价45美元,约合276元人民币),参与者最少减去2公斤才能兑换黄金。 Authorities in Dubai are offering gold in return for weight loss in...

  • 金纳米粒子提高光检测器的效能

    13-07-27 The mineral molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), which, when solid, behaves in many ways like grease(油脂) , has semiconducting properties that make it a promising alternative to silicon or graphene in electronic devices. It also strongly absorbs visible...

  • 不,我爱的人是你

    13-07-10 Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America. Papa handed him the family's savings hidden in a leather satchel. Times are desperate here, he said, hugging his son goodbye. You are our hope. Edward...

  • 中非一座矿井发生坍塌 37人死亡

    13-06-26 At least 37 gold miners have died after heavy rains caused a pit collapse in the Central African Republic, officials say. 中非共和国的一处矿井因暴雨引发坍塌,造成至少37名矿工死亡。 The accident happened on Sunday near Ndassima, 440km east of the cap...

  • 加利福尼亚的传说

    13-06-24 When I was young, I went looking for gold in California. I never found enough to make me rich. But I did discover a beautiful part of the country. It was called the Stanislau. The Stanislau was like Heaven on Earth. It had bright green hills and dee...

  • Midnight Loon

    13-04-22 Midnight Loon Arthur Sze Burglars enter an apartment and ransack(洗劫,遍寻) drawers; finding neither gold nor cash, they flee, leaving the laundry and bathroom lights on they have fled themselves. I catch the dipping pitch of a motorcycle, iceber...

  • 黄金价格跌至近两年最低

    13-04-16 Gold has fallen to its lowest level in two years, while wider commodity prices have also declined. 黄金价格跌至近两年以来最低点,很多商品价格同样下跌。 The price of the precious metal was down 9.2% to $1,395 an ounce. Meanwhile, oil prices fell to f...

  • 印度男子打造纯金衬衫庆新年

    13-01-10 印度一名男子花重金打造了一件纯金衬衫作为他新年庆典期间的行头,并称购置纯金衬衫既可以当作投资也可以得到女士们的关注。 A team of 15 goldsmiths toiled for two weeks for money-lender Datta Phuge, 32, who custom ordered the seven-pound top to wear for Ne...

  • 日本珠宝店打造纯金圣诞树

    12-11-25 日本东京一家珠宝店近期打造了一棵自动旋转的纯金圣诞树,配以纯金制成的米老鼠、灰姑娘等50个迪斯尼卡通形象作为装饰,售价为420万美元。 The tree-like ornament is made of 40 kg of pure gold, standing about 2.4 meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter. For th...

  • Kiss in a Box

    12-09-27 The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated(激怒) when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheles...