• 断织诫夫

    15-08-27 A long time ago, in Henan there was a young man named Le whose family was very poor. One day, Le Yangzi picked up a piece of gold on the road. He happily took it home and gave it to his wife. His wife said in all seriousness: I heard that men with a...

  • 贪得无厌

    15-07-16 One day a man walking on the road met a celestial, who happened to be an old friend of his. Seeing that his life was hard, the celestial pointed with his finger at a brick on the roadside, which turned into a gold brick at once. And he gave it to th...

  • 法国归还中国32件纯金古董

    15-07-15 China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage revealed on Tuesday that France returned the 32 solid gold antiquities earlier this year. 中国国家文物局周二透露,法国在今年早些时候曾向中国归还32件纯金古董。 The ornaments include four solid gold bi...

  • 考古学家发现一条史前黄金贸易路线

    15-06-09 Archaeologists at the University of Southampton have found evidence of an ancient gold trade route between the south-west of the UK and Ireland. A study suggests people were trading gold between the two countries as far back as the early Bronze Age...

  • The goose that laid the golden eggs 下金蛋的鹅

    15-06-09 A man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided t...

  • 不皲之药

    15-06-04 One day, Hui Zi met Zhuang Zi and told him this story:King Hui bestowed upon me some bottle gourd seeds which I planted in the earth. Soon afterwards a big gourd which could hold 5 dan of rice really grew in the field. Never before have I seen such...

  • 少女遇盗

    15-06-04 Once upon a time, there was a young girl wearing girl wearing a strand of precious pearls around her neck and a jade loop around her waist, and carrying a great deal of gold with her. One day, while walking in the hills, she encountered a bandit and...

  • 内蒙古发现大型金矿

    15-03-19 A large gold deposit with estimated reserves of more than 100 tons has been discovered in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the local land and resource authority announced on Wednesday. 内蒙古自治区国土资源局周三宣布,省内发现一处估计...

  • 英国富豪每年花2.9万镑美容保养

    15-01-14 Britain's wealthiest are spending up to 29,000 a year on facial masks and other treatments which have precious metals and gems as ingredients, a BBC2 documentary reveals. 在英国广播公司BBC第二频道播出的纪录片中,英国顶级富豪每年花在以昂贵金属和宝石...

  • 全世界最贵面包 西班牙金粉面包

    15-01-10 Whole wheat flour, spelt and water are the usual ingredients used to make bread, but add a touch of edible gold and you've got wealthy clients from all around the world stepping on each others' toes trying to secure a loaf of the world's most expens...